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I'm so in love with her!!

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this kinda starts weird but it goes somewhere....


MY G/F IS BREA*NA BR*O*S, AND I LOVE HER! (dont wanna post her name all the way on the net)...i love her so so much, its funny becuase i been with a lot of girls and i'm only 16, but i've been with my girl now for about a week and a half, but i've known her for 2 years. i feel the need to post in this thread because im so afraid to lose her, for no reason. thats just how much i love her. i dont tell her this because too much can be a turn-off. but how do i show her how much i care about her, this is like the first girl i've been with that i care about so much. what are some things i can do/say to her to show her?? oh and i do kiss her everyday and hug her but i try to hold my feelings back...its so weird feeling like this...any advice for me?

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first off relax, being in love this way the first time is incredible, some people try to recapture that feeling the rest of their lives.


but you have to rein it in, you must win her heart to share in that love. if you overwhelm her with too much feelings she may run. but how does she feel do you know? I would also take her entire name out the post it doesnt take a genuis to fill in those blanks.


remember this is something new, but it is happening to you. its how nature works, if it didnt we would have any kids.


be attentive but also dont fawn on her, take her on dates but sometimes be a little unavailable. you are still early enough in things to make the chase part of the game.


its best if you are both head over heels or you will get hurt, so wait until she starts to show some of the feelings you have. tell her you love her when you feel its right, but not out of desperation of losing her EVER, its never comes off right. but what you feeling is normal, we have all been there and survived it. she is just a girl remember that, love her all you want but she is human.


but mostly relax and enjoy, this is a great time in your life, just relax. the key is to get her to the same place as you. what types of things does she like? what does she like to do? what kind of food? do somethings but not all. remember you are seducing her love.

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