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Cutting a girl off that you are really close too but can't be with


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Wait for her to contact you, when she does, tell her to come over. When she does, look her in the eyes and tell her you've been thinking about what you are about to do with her all week, take her by the hand, and to your bed. Don't kiss or hug her, start taking her clothes off. When or if she complains, tell her she should go now. If she doesn't complain or start rationalizing, continue taking off her clothes. Once you have taken her top off, push her on your bed, mount her and kiss her passionately. You can figure out the rest, it's not rocket science. If she insists on deviating from this, let her leave and you move on to other opportunities. If you don't have other opportunities, make some and forget this one at the same time. Life is too short to be teased. Force a conclusion, one way or the other, and live with it. Either way, she will respect you as a man, and you will have learned a lesson.

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And the reason I didn't try to much when she was on top of me because we still hadn't kissed yet so I thought it'd be too much if I did. so if she wants to have sex with me is cutting her off the wrong way to go?


Cutting her off is the right way to go!!! Hell, wake up! She's a mess! Under no circumstances should you start whatever relationship with her because you don't know who she's cuddling with when you two aren't together...


I did that once and learnt the hard way.

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Cutting her off is the right way to go!!! Hell, wake up! She's a mess! Under no circumstances should you start whatever relationship with her because you don't know who she's cuddling with when you two aren't together...


I did that once and learnt the hard way.



I agree...too many head games....she needs to know your not waiting around for her to decide...you...julien....you...julien...

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so will her contacting me(she hasn't since that text a week ago) signify that she is coming back? Or will I need some kind of conversation from her telling me she is real this time and done with julian? How will I know its ok to let her back in then? Or never that?

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so will her contacting me(she hasn't since that text a week ago) signify that she is coming back? Or will I need some kind of conversation from her telling me she is real this time and done with julian? How will I know its ok to let her back in then? Or never that?


Stick with no contact for another week and see if she gets in touch. Really you shouldn't have giving her that ultimatum and just stuck with what I told you to do originally in the other thread.


Break contact

Let her chase

Resume contact and escalate

She either accepts the escalation or you cut her off and send her on her way

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  • 3 weeks later...



So its been about three weeks now and I'm taking your advice and resuming contact with her to hopefully try and escalate things again. I've definitely seen that this break in contact with her has affected her as she seems to be treating me differently. Also she mentioned to me yesterday that she cut off the Julian guy which is definitely good news.Anyway, we are going to be hanging out tonight in my room, and I was wondering if there is any advice for me as to how to deal with her if she somehow resists again and gives me last minute resistance again. You guys mentioned "freezing out" but how should I do that?

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cuddling again like before


Don't give her this affection man. She's using you for this stuff because she doesn't have a BF. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? Your also just settng yourself for more heartache by continuiting these things. She's just gonna soak it all up and go to a guy she's sexually attracted to(which is not you because you are friends)


The best way to avoid the friend zone is to never be there in the first place. She's not worth your time. You'd have to play mind games to get her and that's time consuming for someone who isn't that special(she's the object of your affections. That's unhealthy.)


She always complains about him to me and I replied if he treats you like * * * * then just leave him and come


I was in the friend zone plenty of times. You are her shoulder to cry on. He isn't treating her like crap per say. He is teasing here and being non-boring and predictable. PLus he 'shad sex with her. Girls like this. The nice guy that gives the all the affection when they may feel lonely. If you sit there and be Mr.Nice Guy is will get you no where. You have make her see you as a sexual person.


proceeded to tell her that I was going to stop spending time with her because I need to look out for myself like she is looking out for hers


Way to go! No contact is the best way to go. This way it will help get rid of some the feelings you have for here. She's knows you like her and and she is enjoying the attention you give her. DONT NOT DO ANYTHING BOYFRIENDISH. You showed a willingness to walk away and she didn't like that. You messed it up by cuddling her again. She knew you would come back around if she just touched you and you took the bait(your easy) If you cut her off cold turkey she may chase you. Don't hope for anything and get a case of ONe-itis.


You did the right thing.

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Most women (not all) love it when they can flatten a man's pride or show him up as a dork. Leading him on, playing mind games, guess what games and doing everything opposite of what he's trying to work toward.


It's an egotrip. These kind of women are very egotistical and they thrive off of their ability to play the "hot-cold" game. Why? Because the majority of these type of women are insecure and they use their powers of attraction for evil. So, the more that a man's heart folds up like an accordion, the more they feel "wanted," and "special."


Starve them. If you notice a woman trying this slick mess on you, give her a run for her money. Chances are they aren't used to rejection, so giving them a dose of their own medicine will be the cure to your troubles. Even if it goes no where, she'll respect you and not fool around with you anymore because she realizes that she's not able to control you as she wishes.

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At this point, you are hopeless with this girl.


1. She keeps flirting with you like mad, giving you blue testies every time and when you kiss her, she does not respond.


2. She knows she can mess with you and still have you stick around her, feeding her with attention.


3. She is currently f-ing some guy and keeps telling you about their problems.


You have no chance with this girl, right now. She is getting all the sex from that guy she is seeing, so you are just her attention puppy.


Sorry to sound harsh dude, but you need to stop talking to her. You think you guys have a good "friendship" but you are simply getting played. Tell her you don't appreciate her leading you on all the time and, stop hanging out with her.

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