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Being slow in the employment race?


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Hello all


I have this lady I've been loving but did not speak to her for 2 years until recently - because of NC. I now want to speak to her more to see how things are really going with her and see if we can stay friends or be in a relationship, which I would really love to share with her. But, two problems remained:

1. I don't know if she is still occupied with another guy or if she's busy with her newfound work (as a sports and state and national soccer team physio)

2. (THIS IS MORE PRESSING ISSUE) She's 24 and has been a physio for almost two years. I'm 27 and have had a hard time setting myself up. I graduated with Health Sciences (with Honours) but really wanted to get into medical school. I tried for 7 years but kept failing! I then tried a physio course (where I met her) but wasted 3 years in that. I then got into a pharmacy course. And while I do LOVE that profession, I was recently held back by another 12 months because of anxiety issues (which came from external pressures and my impatience to get myself set up) and a family holiday which made me miss a test!


I am wondering if the second issue, if I tell her my most recent setback, would make her see me more negatively - even if she's not judgemental on money etc. Would it?



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