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Are some jobs a better fit than others?

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It's hard enough trying to determine what you want to do for the rest of your life. I, for one, have come to the conclusion that I like back end jobs involving minimal contact with others.


Ever since I was little, I always dreamed of becoming a writer. My dad pushed me to major in accounting, but once I saw my creativity being stifled in that field, I switched to marketing.


I enjoy marketing communications because it involves writing. I got laid off from my last job, which I loved, because of the bad economy. The pay and benefits weren't anything to write home about, but I enjoyed the work immensely. All I had to do was write and edit from 9 to 6.


Long story short, I landed a job with a huge company back in January. The compensation is a whole lot more generous, yet, I don't like the work as much. It involves some writing, but that's only a slice of the pie. I have to do lots of other stuff I have no interest in doing, including event planning, all-day meetings, etc. It all stems from the fact that the job that paid worse was more entry level. This one is a lot more heavy duty, and while there are more opportunities for growth, I'm starting to feel I don't like the corporate red tape.


The writing job I loved was at a small business. It was much more laid back there, and I actually felt like a master of my craft. At this huge company, I always feel as if they're scrutinizing my work all the time; here, I'm the "little guy." I also have to deal with higher-ups a lot more, which can get on my nerves. They've already given me some constructive criticism: that I'm too "laid back."


Truth be told, I wasn't given a detailed job description until a day or two before the offer was made. Had I been given one, I would have probably turned this job down.


This begs the question: Are some jobs a better fit for some people than others? Have any of you guys had similar experiences?

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This begs the question: Are some jobs a better fit for some people than others? Have any of you guys had similar experiences?


Definitely...why wouldn't they be?


We all have different likes/dislikes, skills, talents and abilities...and different jobs require different skill sets.


A lot of employers use pre-employment screening tests to match up prospective employees' personalities with a specific job. Here's a free one you can take: link removed I found it last year when I was looking for a job.


What I found out from this (and some other tests) was that I should be kept as far away from other people as possible. So, I have a part time office gig which is a lot of data entry & dealing with people via email to help pay my bills while I build up my freelance voiceover business working out of my home. The office gig is ok -- but I scored high for being suited/liking clerical work. But working out of my home studio *by myself* full time is the ultimate goal.

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Absolutely I've had that feeling. Usually results in my moving on to something else. Like now - I'm in a job I really like but it is not giving me what I need. So despite the good side of the work, I'm writing proposals for new roles I could take on to satisfy the urge in me to "fix" things. It's hard finding day to day duties that satisfy me, though, which is why the job I have now is fun. I like the day to day work - I just don't want to do it long term... because of some yearning inside of me.

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