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Want to lose weight - Cardio and Weights or just Cardio?

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I need you muscle men and women please.


I've been going to the gym a little. Had a little break this past week but been trying to go 3 / 4 times a week.


The few weeks I went regularly, I did cardio and weight machines.


Here's my question: I really want to lose weight - at least 16 pounds - thighs and booty mostly. In the past when trying to lose weight, I only did cardio and that worked well.


I have about 1.75 hours when I go to the gym. What should I be working on? I'm thinking I should be running my butt off (literally) the whole time because doing the weights and only a half hour cardio doesn't seem to be working.


And then maybe after I've lost weight, mix up the two?


Help please and thanks!

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It's never bad to do a few weights along with cardio. Weights don't take very long, so I would say something like 1 hour of cardio and 45 min of weights. 1 hour is quite a bit of cardio.


The most important thing about cardio is that you do it regularly, preferably 3 times a week at a minimum. Weights don't need to be done as often to be effective, once or twice a week is good.

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First off, if you are going to the gym have you tried spinning? It is one of the best ways to get an intense cardio and the classes are usually pretty fun with music and lots of energy.


If you are really focused on buring fat (and are willing to do 4 times a week)I would mix it up a bit and do an intense cardio workout for an hour 2 times a week (spinning, swimming, running for example).


Then the other two days, warm up with a mile run (10 minutes max at a slow pace), 15 minutes of weight training, then another 5 minutes cardio to pick up your heart rate. Continue until you have been working out for 1.5 hours. Cool down with 10 minutes of light cardio and stretching.


Also, in the morning and evening it would be a good idea to do 50 sit up before and after you go to sleep.

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weights will technically make you gain 'weight.' since it weighs more than fat.

you could go about it two ways:

lose fat first doing cardio, tone up afterwards

or tone and lose fat at the same time.


it depends on what you want to see and when you want to see it.

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Personally I think you do need both cardio and strength training that is what I do. I also am in the gym for an hour and 45 minutes. I do 45 minutes of strength training 15 minutes of core and balance exercises and then 45-60 minutes of cardio.


I don't think you need as much strength training so I would recomend a half hour three times a week. Building some muscle makes your body burn more calories throughout the day. And get of the machines and start using free weights. Just google exercises and you will find a hundred sites that show you how to do them. Use some of your time doing core and balance exercises for 10-15 minutes. Also google them to find out how to do them. Then whatever is left devote to cardio. And run your butt off! If your not sweating you are not working hard enouph..


But remember if you really want to see results you need a balanced diet. Goodluck

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Weights will lift and firm and also possibly accelerate your weight loss. If you only do cardio, it is possible you could get a saggy drawn sort of appearance. I'd go for the weight/cardio combination so you look good while you lose weight.

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Good questions!


When you do cardio, you're losing fat AND lean muscle mass. If you want to keep a sporty figure and lose weight, you will most definitely want to keep with the weights in your routines. Every other day I would do some form of weights.


Day 1 - Cardio + Upper Body Weights

Day 2 - Cardio + Lower Body Weights

Day 3 - Cardio

Day 4 - Cardio + Upper Body Weights

Day 5 - Cardio + Lower Body Weights

Day 6 - Rest

--> Repeat


That will be more than enough to have you lose 16 pounds within 2 months depending on your current weight. Good luck and keep us posted! Do remember that eating is also very important! After your weight training days, add some additional protein into your diet.



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weights will technically make you gain 'weight.' since it weighs more than fat.

you could go about it two ways:

lose fat first doing cardio, tone up afterwards

or tone and lose fat at the same time.


it depends on what you want to see and when you want to see it.


I disagree that weight training makes you gain weight..As long as it is low weight high reatitions you will not gain weight. High weight and low reps is a different story..

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Try HIIT. High Intensity Interval Training. There are many, many resources online, and I'm sure people at your gym. This is a surefire way to lose at least a few lbs when followed correctly. It's very intense, though, so if you're not ready for it, don't begin it.

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I disagree that weight training makes you gain weight..As long as it is low weight high reatitions you will not gain weight. High weight and low reps is a different story..



lol. when you gain muscle mass you gain 'weight'

i went from 113 to 125 in two months doing crossfit.

Yes i lost fat, but the muscle gain counteracted that and then some. the result was that i was a beast.

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Well even if she did gain weight, it isn't the number of pounds or stones that is the issue. Fat to lean mass ratio is much more important.


I agree with 20 One though, you will want to do weights to maintain what tone you do have now. Also, for protein intake, those losing weight are those with the highest recommendation even over athletes. This is to try to slow down the rate your body digests its muscle mass.

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lol. when you gain muscle mass you gain 'weight'

i went from 113 to 125 in two months doing crossfit.

Yes i lost fat, but the muscle gain counteracted that and then some. the result was that i was a beast.


125lbs is hardly a beast..lol..I checked out crossfit and most of the exercises are geared for gaining alot of muscle quickly = weight gain. Gaining a little muscle slowly should not add weight..Just tone her up..

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do both. weights first, cardio after your workout. you will look more toned and slender. you might shift in 'scale' weight, but you will look thinner if that makes sense. you won't gain weight like a body builder. that is a myth that a lot of women believe. 'i don't want to be huge'. you won't. trust me. that takes intense workouts with heavy lifting and strict dieting.


you want to do sets with weights so you feel a burn. you DO want to be somewhat sore the next day. that is your body telling you that you did some work with your muscles. keep with high protein and less calories/carbs diets. for you i'd say eat around 4 times a day around 300-400 calories each meal. make sure you get around 100g of protein a day for your size.



i just saw your weight. if you get toned and slimmer than you are now, you will end up around 125 i'm thinkin. but i bet it will be exactly what you are looking for. remember, it takes dedication. some people cannot adjust.

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What you do is not that important than how you do it. Your target heart rate during cardio is very important in converting fat into energy for the most efficient workout.

Weight training is often done to slowly. You should not rest more 2 or 3 minutes between each set.

"Confusion" also gets good results by keeping your body guessing and your muscles working hard. Mixing up your cardio by spinning one day and then treadmill the next time. I know you are short on time while at the gym which is a good thing. Streching warming up, and getting to your workout and then cooling down and hydrating in a defined amount of time will achieve good results.


good luck

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125lbs is hardly a beast..lol..I checked out crossfit and most of the exercises are geared for gaining alot of muscle quickly = weight gain. Gaining a little muscle slowly should not add weight..Just tone her up..


it is when you are 5 feet tall.

besides i was joking.

anyway--i also wasnt suggesting she start crossfit.

different programs are right for different people.

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BMI is a good estimate for most people. For me for example, because I have always been an athlete and have a larger frame, my doctor won't let me go below a BMI of 22 as my fat percentage gets too low and I lose my period. You are probably OK now, but it does depend on your frame. Good luck!

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You will not lose weight through exercise, the body is too fule efficient to allow that to happen. What, you don't believe me? You would have to dance 10 hours non-stop to burn a pound of fat! Plus, you exercise and say, burn 600 calories, what does your body tell you to do? Yep, replace those 600 calories and possible more. So, no you won't lose weight through exercise, though you can change your body shape.

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You will not lose weight through exercise, the body is too fule efficient to allow that to happen. What, you don't believe me? You would have to dance 10 hours non-stop to burn a pound of fat! Plus, you exercise and say, burn 600 calories, what does your body tell you to do? Yep, replace those 600 calories and possible more. So, no you won't lose weight through exercise, though you can change your body shape.




I don't normally want to come off rude - but that is totally incorrect. Lets say for example her daily recommended caloric intake was 1500. Lets also say she was exercising 500 calories off per day. She can essentially eat 2000 calories per day and stay at the same range as she was at the beginning. Anything less, and she's losing weight.


So if she keeps her caloric intake the same as normal and adds the exercise she will lose weight quite quickly. Of course this is a VERY simplistic analogy, but its not rocket science.


Good luck to the OP! You can do it!

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