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Is all guys want a big pair of boobs?


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I am a card-carrying "breast man". I am obsessed with big breasts. I can't explain it, that's just the way it is. That doesn't mean that I'm only attracted to women with big breasts. I'm just more attracted to big breasts. However, I am also a card-carrying "chubby chaser" or BBW lover or whatever you want to say. So the women that I'm the most attracted to have big breasts...... and big everything else too. The typical male fantasy is small waist, big breasts. Well a small waist would not turn me on. Big boobs, big ass, big waist, big belly (yes, I said big belly) that would turn me on. So I guess I have a pretty different perspective. So basically if I were going after a woman based purely on physical appearance, I would want a curvy, voluptuous chubby woman. However I would never rule out the possibility of being happy with a small-breasted, skinny woman either.

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as long as a woman does her best to maintain her weight and care about her appearance and have respect for herself and her body her boobs don't matter. All sizes can be very attractive especially when a women carries herself with confidence.

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Strictly from a woman's perspective... big boobs can be a pain. So many cute tops/dresses/bathing suits that fit better on smaller chests than on the naturally saggy and busty. Too much weight up top, bustin out all over.


I sport 36Cs, and they aren't too bad, but I still can't squeeze them into certain outfits so easy.


As for guys. Bah. Nothing is universal, and that is the truth. Some guys will love big, some will love small, most will prefer inbetween yet be happy with what they get as long as it is attached to a great girl.


If your man doesn't like you because of your breast size, don't "fix" your breasts, replace your man.

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Boob jobs make me so sad


Reductions I can understand only in the case of practicality - when a woman is in pain due to misproportion.


Boob jobs after damage or mastectomy... get that too. But just vanity, insecurity or maybe job pressure? I don't think I'll personally ever get it.


To each her own I guess.

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Boob jobs make me so sad


Reductions I can understand only in the case of practicality - when a woman is in pain due to misproportion.


Boob jobs after damage or mastectomy... get that too. But just vanity, insecurity or maybe job pressure? I don't think I'll personally ever get it.


To each her own I guess.


I understand their insecurities -- how they're created -- and so I can understand why some get boob jobs to try and improve their body image. I just am really troubled about the way our society makes people believe deep down in their hearts that they are inadequate, that their bodies just don't cut it.


Hating yourself for something you can't help is not a good place to be.

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I am a guy and boobs don't really matter that much to me. My GF is really petite. In relation to her they are about a C cup, And both hers together may equal one from a average sized woman. At the end of the day what can a guy do with a SO's boobs? I suppose if you wanted to you could put you'r willy between em, But thats about it.




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I just wanted to thank everyone who posted here... it made me feel so better and if it wasn't for all you, I honestly think i'd have gone mental and had the boob job and still be with that loser!


At the time I posted this thread (and isnt it amazing how much your life can change in a few months) I was living in a tiny little country town so your world gets shrunk down to a couple of social groups and its easy to forget how varied everyones taste is and how many people are actually out there in the world.. instead I thought that everyone in the world was like my exs group of friends - who would love a dog-ugly girl if she had huge boobs (fake were even better - they LIKED fake breasts! (because they were bigger, I assume.))


Anyway, this thread wouldnt exactly be the reason I broke up with him, but it knocked a bit of sense into me, and I did. Screw being sad - I thought i'd be sad but I felt like an entire world of weight had been lifted off my shoulders! I went on a holiday to a nearby city where I grew up, ran into a boy I used to know when I was 4 and fell in love (and into one of the most mature relationships i've ever been in.)


Once during the first couple of times we had sex I started crying because I felt so insecure about my boobs. I told him the whole story and he pretty shut down any insecurities by saying - "but I LOVE your boobs - thats why im putting them in my mouth all the time!" Ah. He's always grabbing and squeezing and going "this is so nice" and trying to get his head between my legs. hahaha.


Unlike my ex who was gaining the pounds and literally did have the same size boobs as me (I used to sit there and wonder what he'd look like in my push up bras - um, I think I should have just broken up with him then and there) new boy is nice and flat, which makes me feel a bit more womanly and sexier!


After that holiday, I returned home to the country, driving 2 hours through the dark from the airport and desperatley missing the city lights I thought "what the hell am I doing!?!" and 3 days later i'd booked tickets back down, through facebook I found I had long lost cousins and friends in that city who I was able to catch up with and who offered me jobs and houses there, so I took it as it was all too good an opportunity to pass up.


I feel like I actually have a life now, like its going somewhere and I have the confidence you gain from that. I'm in a relationship where if theres a problem it gets addressed straight away instead of being left in the dark and getting silent treatment, and I almost enjoy the "problems" because after dealing with it makes us feel even closer. Doesnt hurt he's one of the hottest guys i've seen in my life either


I am so, so, incredibly happy and I do have to thank you all for it - these posts gave me a bit of perspective - my ex made me feel like no one else in the world would ever think they were good and I was lucky to have someone who'd put up with them. But as this thread shows, there is such a wide variety of tastes, and ultimately you're not going to like your partner for their boobs (or anything else) but you'll like the everything else because its theirs, and you love them. Thanks everyone.

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Kitz that is a wonderful story and I'm so glad to hear you changed your life to make yourself happier and to be happy with who you are. Congratulations


I hope things continue to go well and that your confidence continues to grow.

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OMG, That is so funny, me too. I had the same thing with my BF where he said something he didnt mean to, which indicated that we might have sex more if I had bigger breasts! But he didnt even mean to, lol.


It struck a chord with me and ever since I have been pissed off with my average sized breasts and always tease him about what he said. We have actually gone on to have lots of sex in our 9-month relationship so far, but I will never forget him saying that. We laugh about it now and it is not really an issue anymore, but it was for a month or two. lol


We were discussing my breasts and I said I wish they were bigger and he said well its lucky they're not massive, otherwise I would have to stay indoors 24/7 playing with them, lol. He is funny, lol.

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Boob jobs make me so sad


Reductions I can understand only in the case of practicality - when a woman is in pain due to misproportion.


Boob jobs after damage or mastectomy... get that too. But just vanity, insecurity or maybe job pressure? I don't think I'll personally ever get it.


To each her own I guess.


I don't really understand the need for boob jobs either, but we all do things to make ourselves look better, don't we? We wear high heels which are bad for our feet and ankles. We get tans which can cause skin cancer. We all do things to feel better about ourselves which don't do any good for us in the end (besides our self esteem).


My point is that it's not fair for us to judge women who do things like that. I'm not saying that you're judging them (you said you just don't understand it), but I do see people do it often, and that's what I really find sad.

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Is a C..almost D cup considered average? it seems to me that a C is considered the norm..and not large by most!


Also what do guys think of boooobs that are not the same size..if one is a bit smaller or diffferent shaped then the other?

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I don't really understand the need for boob jobs either, but we all do things to make ourselves look better, don't we? We wear high heels which are bad for our feet and ankles. We get tans which can cause skin cancer. We all do things to feel better about ourselves which don't do any good for us in the end (besides our self esteem).


My point is that it's not fair for us to judge women who do things like that. I'm not saying that you're judging them (you said you just don't understand it), but I do see people do it often, and that's what I really find sad.


I'm not really judging it without knowing someone's reasons for doing it... if you have the money and desire, that is your right. And I'll certainly never say someone is stupid or silly or a bad person for it... if that is what is meant by judging them. But I will honestly always try to talk someone out of it with the exception of a few good arguments. I simply would hope someone could find self esteem and beauty in themself without the need to go under the knife.


Yes, it is true that we wear heels and makeup and fancy clothes and many women tan (though I don't and doubt I ever will), but there is a huge leap between those things and getting your breasts done. A boob job is surgery, and it is much more costly. It is also demi-permanent. (I say this of course because women CAN have them undone, though it doesn't often happen, and that too is costly).


Heels can just be taken off or wore once in awhile. They are also not part of your body. Sure you can wear them to enhance your height.... so in that regard if you want to enhance your bust size in the same way, a padded bra is much more comparable.


It isn't the health concerns of breast implants that scare me to much... it is the intense insecurity that sits underneath the decision to spend so much money to permanently alter one's body just to have what you think (or what you think others will deem) a more pleasing appearance.

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No baby is ever getting its mouth near these things. Mine are for adults only.



Oh well, at least they won't be ruined like mine by breast feeding but they can still shrivel up smaller than they were before even if you dont breast feed.

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Oh well, at least they won't be ruined like mine by breast feeding but they can still shrivel up smaller than they were before even if you dont breast feed.


Oh no, I think breast feeding is a good thing. I just don't want any babies to begin with, so they will never get the chance to be shriveled.

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Boobs are for babies to be fed.


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Breasts often play a significant part in human sexual behavior, since they are important female secondary sex characteristics. Unlike those of most other mammals, human breasts are proportionately large throughout a female's life after puberty (and not only during lactation). Therefore they also serve as a visible signal of sexual maturity and fertility. On sexual arousal breast size increases, venous patterns accross the breasts become more visible, and nipples harden. Breasts are sensitive to touch as they have many nerve endings ("high nerve density"), and they are commonly pressed or massaged with hands during sexual intercourse (as males often do with other bodily areas displaying feminine secondary sex characteristics as well). Oral stimulation of nipples and breasts is also common. Some women can achieve breast orgasms. In the ancient Indian work the Kama Sutra, marking breasts with nails and biting with teeth are listed among erotic behaviors.

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