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Weight Loss

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Hi everyone,

I am about 5'6" - 5'8" and I weigh around 175lbs. Its by no means thin at all but I am not overweight. The thing is, I don't really have access to any exercise equipment nor do I plan on joining a gym just to lose some weight. I was hopeing to lose atleast 20lbs, but hopefully more over this comeing summer when I get off from school. I was thinking that if I eat better it would help some. For exerciseing though, I don't know what does what. I was thinking that I could run for atleast a few mins once every morning when I wake up. And then I could do some push ups and sit ups and lift the one set of 10lbs dumb-bells that I have. I could also go bike rideing and swimming. Other than that, I don't know much else I could do.

That maybe all that I need to do.


I was hopeing to lose weight in mainly my upper chest, stomach, and thighs. I was wondering if you guys could tell me out of all of the things that I meantioned I had access to would be most beneficial to where I am trying to lose weight. Anyone have a possible rutine? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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well first off i know losing weight is hard to some of us..all u really have to do is keep track of ur calories..add them up by the end of the day..a tip=

dont eat after 9 because then the food will just sit and thats how u get fat .. while ur sleepin u cant work off fat now can you? well all u gotta do is eat less calories and count up to say 500 if u were 2000..just subtract 500 from the total number of calories you consume in a normal day and eat this new number of calories everyday for the next day 7 days..

instead of eating 3 big meals try spreadin the calories out over 5 smaller meals. Eat one meal every 2 n a half 3 hours. Doing this will speed up ur metabolism. u have to do cardio for weight loss. ur wasteing ur time if u arnt willing to do this jog , walk , swim , jumprope , ride a bike..arobics class w/e///juss do it..just takes about 30 minutes.. do it about 3 times a week .. at the end of the weekl weigh urself..u wont have a huge differnce yet but u can lose 5-8 pounds a month. get rid of cips and all the fatty stuff , no fried chicken ...no more saturdated fat. u need to eat lean meats like chicken but not FRIED!...Tuna fish , Salmn etc should be ur new bestfriend..nuts and flaxseed oil..just lower the carbs lemme no how it goes

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Drumson - I understand that you feel like you need to lose weight.


I think that your weight is fine, maybe what you are really looking for is more muscle definition. I think that if you focus on growing bigger, you will have much more success. As a teenage boy you do not want to cut your calories below 2000. Your exercise ideas sound good. I think running (or swimming or biking) for 30 minutes and 15-30 minutes of calasthenics (push ups, crunches, pull ups) 5 days a week w/ a 2000-2500 calorie diet of clean food (no chips, fast food, candy etc.) you will see some good improvement.



Good Luck, and remember, you are not alone!!

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Hey, if you need any help don't hesitate to e-mail me. When I was 15 I was around 5'5" and weighed around 210 lbs. Now i'm 22 and weigh 190lbs. with about 7% bodyfate. It'll take alot of dedication and you must must must must realize that it'll take roughly 3 mos. to notice a big difference. If it is happening in a much shorter time period you're going about it the unhealthy way. I'd highly recommend joining a gym, but if you are self conscious then what was said in the previous post is good advice.


Either way good luck......it can be done!!!!!!

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Whatever you do, make sure you lose the weight safely. Perhaps talk to your doctor about it, he/she will most probably suggest a safe plan you can follow. In the meantime, running sounds like a good idea. Not only does it keep you in shape, but most people find running every morning for a little bit helps relax them and prepare them for the day ahead.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For running you have to build up your stamina gradually so that you will be able to run for a peroid of time in which you can burn fat.


Start by running for the longest you can for 3 days each week.

In week 2 increase the amount of time you run for by just a few minutes.

In week 3 increase it again and keep in increasing it slightly every week.


If you do this for a few weeks you will eventually reach a point where your body will safely begin to burn the fat, you wont be overdoing it as well. The rest days will allow your body to recuperate for the next run.


Swimming is an exellent all-body workout, it doesnt push you too hard and is exellent if you are carrying any injuries.


I hope this has helped, and remember. Dont overdo the running, it can be damaging to your health if you do.



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May I suggest running stairs. I know its silly, but you don't have to go to a gym, and it definitely tones the thighs and backside. Not to mention, it will totally give you an AWESOME cardiovascular work out....better than just running.


I know one post said not to eat after nine, but if you want it to be more effective, don't eat after 7. Make dinner as light as possible as well.


For your waist....try the following excercise. Put your hands above your head and clamp them together (not with an actual clamp of course) and keep your arms as straight as possible. Lean as far as you can to the right....and then to the left. Repeat this as many times as you can. The next day, your sides will hurt like crazy, but after a few days, you will see some improvement, and the pain will go away. If you feel that its not doing anything, try holding a can of vegetables over your head. Remember to keep your arms straight and together.

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