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I hate myself, and facebook.

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I hate myself for not going to college.

I didn't have much of a choice, my parents didn't want me to leave, kept making up excuses to go to a local college, pretty much forced me into a corner to just take classes at a community college.


I still hate myself for it.

Looking back I should've just left, even with no money, just to go somewhere.


Every time I log into facebook, I see pictures upon pictures of people having fun at parties, doing some study abroad program, updating their status about "study sessions", drunk out of their minds, in their college sweatshirts and all that crap.


I'm so sick of it.


I'm so stuck here. I know I'm thinking too much "in the moment" and 5 years from now the situation will be much different.


But that doesn't make it any better.


I just wish I was normal.

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I am pretty sure that Community Colleges have study abroad programs and clubs that you can get involved in! Have you looked into any of them?


My friend goes to a community college and she was part of this program called Semester at Sea and she studied abroad on a boat for a semester and went to Europe.


Oh and parties are not just at 4 year colleges. Most of them happen off campus, honestly.

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Well, I'm guessing you don't live near a big-time college or big city...That's fine, unless there are no bars... Wait one more year and you'll have fun at the bars! That's where crazy things can happen, and it gives you a great excuse to make friends at ANY college!

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You think you have it bad? What do you want right now in your life? What exactly are you missing? What exactly is your problem? Be clear in your posts.


I don't have friends, social interaction, excitement. I only have 1 friend.


I don't think I have it bad. I've had it alot worse. I'm just complaining. I tried to reason with myself before posting, maybe I shouldnt have posted/

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Thank you for being strait. You are not alone in any fashion. My best advice for you right now is to take advantage of every opportunity that you can. You don't want to end up fearful like me in the early 30's.


I really just wanted to help you. I don't want you to * * * * * about yourself like you did. That's why I asked questions about you.

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I'll write it all out maybe a catharsis will help.


I still live with my parents.

I have a 10PM curfew.

I'm 19, not 20. I think my bday is set wrong on ENA.

I run my own local business. Its stressful and involves alot of work that nobody can really help me with.

I went dancing a couple times, it was moderately fun. Got home at 11:30pm. Got "in trouble" with my parents.

I've only got 2 grand in my bank account, more in business assets, but I won't count it now because its not things I could sell in the blink of an eye. So I can't leave with 2 grand.

I don't have a drivers license, I have a permit. This is mostly my fault. Nobody in my family wants to teach me how to drive. I walk everywhere. I'm planning to pay someone to teach me, this made my mum upset.

I didn't go to prom, (see curfew).

I didn't go to any real HS parties.

The only time I get drunk is with straight vodka when I'm so depressed I want to pass out.


ug ill stop here cuz my whining is making me sick.

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* * * is Prom? Oh Im sorry, I was a spoiled little punk that went to Private School. * * * Who cares about prom? The suffering is all you. The HS parties are all you. You want to get drunk, call me.


You own your own busoness, so do I, AMC, Inc. It is cash in the bank, am I wrong? Are you suffering as a result of the business?


Talk to me amigo. I have much to help you with.

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I don't know if its the business thats stressing me out. Sales are slow and thats a bit stressful. Alot of times I have nobody to talk to about ROI, product design, marketing ideas. I get lonely. I try to keep myself busy to forget about it.


I don't share any interests with people my age. Even if I had friends I don't know what I do with them.

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I don't know if its the business thats stressing me out. Sales are slow and thats a bit stressful. Alot of times I have nobody to talk to about ROI, product design, marketing ideas. I get lonely. I try to keep myself busy to forget about it.


I don't share any interests with people my age. Even if I had friends I don't know what I do with them.


It's not the business that is the ultimate problem. I knew that from the start. I just want you to admit it. You are not alone, OK?


Much more to life outside of business. ROI is a business aspect, not a personal one, right? What if you and I were to go hiking tomorrow? We may talk business in the process. Would you be up for the hike? I am flexible.


My point is I know too well how you feel. I work 64 HRS/Week right now as an appraiser. I need change just like you do. I need it now, just like you do.

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. I'm planning to pay someone to teach me, this made my mum upset.


Wow. I think the real reason you're upset is because your parents are so controlling. 10pm curfew? Refusing to teach you how to drive? Not even letting you go to prom because of a curfew?!?!?! No wonder you're so unhappy! Your life is stagnating because you don't have the ability to live.


If I were you, I'd look into a way to move out of the house. 2000 can be a lot of money if you live in the right area. Plus you have your own business, does that generate enough income for you to live on your own (or even share an apartment...that might be an even better choice for you since that could mean another friend)? Also, get your license!!! Find someone, anyone to help you with this. Pay someone! If public transportation isn't good there, then you'll definitely need a license! And of course, look into finding a cheap car.


Start working towards your freedom. You'll be much happier if you do so.

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OP: Are you going to a "two-year school"? If so, in some ways, you're ahead of the game. Two-year schools usually have better technical / hands-on programs. "four-year schools" or accredited universities pertain to theory. They basically teach you how to teach yourself. There's pros and cons about both like anything in life. What you need to do is learn how to appreciate what you have. This is really what life is about.


If you're bent on going to a four-year school, fill out your FAFSA, review your awards, and if you need to, take out a loan and say to hell with what your parents say.

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It's not the business that is the ultimate problem. I knew that from the start. I just want you to admit it. You are not alone, OK?


Much more to life outside of business. ROI is a business aspect, not a personal one, right? What if you and I were to go hiking tomorrow? We may talk business in the process. Would you be up for the hike? I am flexible.


My point is I know too well how you feel. I work 64 HRS/Week right now as an appraiser. I need change just like you do. I need it now, just like you do.

I'm going out today, I live near the beach and whale season starts so there's things going on.


I know its not the business, I wouldn't blame the business.


I was in a horrible mood last night. Realistically I can move out in around a year.

Yes I could blame my parents but that wouldnt solve anything. I might start staying out later regardless of what they say.



I love hiking/camping

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You should use your affordable credits and transfer! It's an awesome thing to do, i pay for my own school and I wish I did it myself. Even if it's in state, you could move onto campus or use it as an excuse to move near school. Your parents will have to deal with your growing up eventually, express to them you aren't happy.

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Firstly, you're 19! You have your whole life ahead of you! Leave town, go to college, do whatever you want to do! Because you have your whole life to do it.


Secondly, community colleges have heaps of fantastic programs. I have a plethora of friends who didn't go to university/college and they've all still been able to do fantastic things like going overseas, partying etc. You just need to go to the effort to find out what programs are run.

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I agree with all the good folks who've encouraged you to consider your local program to be technically excellent--most are, because they have something to prove. You can always take your 2 year credits and a student loan to transfer to the school of your choice.


While I agree with you that 'blaming' your parents isn't productive, neither would it be wise to defend their over-protectiveness as healthy. Or in your best interest. You're an adult now and you're smart. You're capable of recognizing your own best interests as coinciding with a definite need to disabuse your parents of their dependency on you as a dependant. It's time to invest in a drivers' license, easily justified as a business need, and while I can appreciate not bucking your parents' rules in their home, there is no real reason you couldn't rent a boarding room close by and visit your folks for brunches on Sundays.


What you think is penny wise could be an excuse to embrace your folks' rigidity as a security blanket. I'd caution against that while your youth can afford you the flexibility to adapt to independence much easier than if you wait until the 'someday' you will calculate as 'safe'. Firsts never feel safe, even while the challenges bring you a sense of accomplishment that will squelch any urge to pine away for an imagined life you're not living.


Don't point to a fictitious number on a statement as a reason to avoid spreading your wings, or you could end up sabotaging your savings just to remain in your cage. You've got a terrific head on your shoulders--I hope you'll go out and use it.


In your corner.

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