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If he didn't call I should give up right?


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I think MsKitty posted something similar to this but when I went to go see all the answers the thread had been deleted =(.

Anyways, I finally got the courage to call back someone I had been e-mailing off link removed.


we met up on a Thursday had a really nice time. I texted him later saying I had a really nice time and I suggested dinner/drinks some time next week. He responded by saying "It sounds good, I'll call you on Monday as soon as I get back". (He was going out of town for the weekend). Well.... Monday comes around and I don't hear from him, nor Tuesday, so today I texted him " Hey! Hope you ha a good weekend. Are you still down to grab a drink or have dinner?" and now it's two hours later and he still hasn't responded..... =(


So this means he doesn't want to right?? He could have just said from the beginning I'll call you sometime and I would have gotten the hint but he specifically said he'd call Monday. ARGH I hate dating, and don't worry I won't call or text him again but should I just delete his number and assume he is not interested?? Sorry if this sounds silly but I have always been relationships that formed because of a prior friendship so even though I'm 23 I have no experience in the dating game.

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meh, call me traditional, but my most successful relationships have come when the guy contacts me first after a date. you've contacted him not once, but twice. if he were into you, and you just happened to ask him out before he asked you, he would have been really excited and made plans. this guy doesn't sound like he is all that into you (sorry!). i'd forget about him and move on. i think if he were interested, he would have called on monday like he said he would, or even sooner.

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meh, call me traditional, but my most successful relationships have come when the guy contacts me first after a date. you've contacted him not once, but twice. if he were into you, and you just happened to ask him out before he asked you, he would have been really excited and made plans. this guy doesn't sound like he is all that into you (sorry!). i'd forget about him and move on. i think if he were interested, he would have called on monday like he said he would, or even sooner.



Yeah, I would not play like that myself.

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I went on a blind date with a guy that I thought really well. He told me he was going out of town that weekend but maybe we could meet up after that. He even texted me when he got back saying he had gotten sick while away, but hopefully would feel better by the weekend so we could meet up. Then I never heard from him. Turns out he was already dating someone and didn't want his family to know because of religious issues (his sister set us up).


What I've realized about this whole dating thing, if a guy likes you, you'll know. If you're left guessing, chances are he's just not that into you.

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I wouldnt go on deleting his number just yet. Although unlikely emergency could have happened in which he really couldnt have contacted you ex. accident, illness, etc. I wouldnt try to get a hold of him again though and try to patiently wait for his response. If you hear nothing by tomorrow I would just move on to someone else. Im not sure if the dating site youre on gives you the ability to see if hes been logged on there recently, most sites do. To satisfy your own curiosity I would try to see if hes been logging onto link removed and if he has yet failed to respond to your texts or call you, you can be assured hes not interested. If howerer there is no trace on him there being active then there might be a small chance something unfortunate happened where he couldnt call or text back yet

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Ghost.... He said he would call on Monday. He was specific about the day! It's Thursday today... I think there is a slight chance he might call through the weekend but in that case should I even answer?? I find it highly unlikely that an emergency happened so catastrophic that he would be away from his phone for an entire week and not be able to even text me!!! Remember I did text him yesterday saying I hope you had a good weekend and asked him if he was still down to grab a drink or some dinner.


This is my first attempt at jumping back into the dating game but so far I'm just frustrated =)](*,)](*,)](*,)

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Ghost.... He said he would call on Monday. He was specific about the day! It's Thursday today... I think there is a slight chance he might call through the weekend but in that case should I even answer?? I find it highly unlikely that an emergency happened so catastrophic that he would be away from his phone for an entire week and not be able to even text me!!! Remember I did text him yesterday saying I hope you had a good weekend and asked him if he was still down to grab a drink or some dinner.


This is my first attempt at jumping back into the dating game but so far I'm just frustrated =)](*,)](*,)](*,)


well, you are cute. i'd call. his loss huh? if i specify a day, i call. something really bad has to happen for that to change. very rare and highly unlikely.

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Exactly. I'm just gonna forget about it because even if he does call now I don't really care. I'm already so irritated that it took the joy out of receiving his call and planning a date. WHY would someone say I will call you on this specific daay and not call?? So lame. If he would have said "I'll call you sometime" I would have gotten the hint.

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Exactly. I'm just gonna forget about it because even if he does call now I don't really care. I'm already so irritated that it took the joy out of receiving his call and planning a date. WHY would someone say I will call you on this specific daay and not call?? So lame. If he would have said "I'll call you sometime" I would have gotten the hint.


because he's a tool. that's why. get a real man.

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