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Something is wrong with me

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I think there is something physically wrong with me. I've noticed two things recently that are really bothering me. For one, I've been having these excruciatingly painful cramps in my legs. I usually wake up with one, or sometimes I wake up and in a minute I have one. Usually it's my lower calf, either leg. I also notice my toes curl up and it's nearly impossible to stretch. I usually have to get out of bed and use my body weight to stretch it out, which takes several minutes. I drink plenty of water incidentally.


The other thing that I've noticed is that there are dips in the growth of my finger nails. it almost looks like a weld... except concave. A sort of ripple. it's not painful in anyway, just weird.


Any ideas on these ailments?



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Hey stranger, sorry I've been AWOL lately. I'm alive. I promise. Just busy.


I have the same problems. I get bad cramps in my legs (like behind my knees) adn it's sooo painful. I don't know what it is...i have to take massive tylenol to get rid of it. they usually come late at night.


i have dents in my fingernails too. i think that's normal.

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The cramps you are having are quite normal. A lot of people get bad cramps in their calves in the same way - I know I have definitely experienced this.


I know this is cliche advice, but it is the only way to know that there is not something seriously wrong - but go see a doctor if you are concerned.

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But I'm not too into doctors unless I'm actually incapacitated... probably a guy thing.


Definitely a guy thing! My boyfriend is the same. Well it doesn't seem too serious, but if more symptoms develop or if you want to put your mind at ease then head off to your local doc then

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Kinda like a charlie horse in terms of the intensity of the pain. The pain may last as much as 10mins. I usually try to just stand up and put my weight on it to stretch it out... if that fails I'll put my flip flops on and try to hobble around the house until the muscle relaxes.

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Could be a lot of things.


One of the many things it could be is improper arch support in your shoes and/or some odd biomechanical thing with your feet. If you're over pronating (walking on the outsides of your feet --- look for uneven wear on the soles of your shoes) and you walk a lot, your calf muscles don't tend to like that and they will cramp while you sleep because of the uneven wear.


So, you've had several different possibilities tossed up by amateur medicos online. It's entirely possible none of us are right.


That's why you need to have a doctor evaluate you....in person......

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