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My insomnia is driving me nuts....

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It all started about three weeks ago when I stayed up all night watching the entire first and second seasons of a T.V. show that I love. I would start at around 11:00 pm and not go to bed until five or six in the morning. I would then sleep until two or three p.m. I did this for about six days straight until I watched the entire series. =( Now, I am lost in this cycle and need a way out!!


Now, I stay up watching movies all night, or here on ENA, or reading a book. The last couple days I tried to go to bed around 11:00 pm and I would wake up all through the night and not get any sleep at all. Des anyone have any suggestions? Up until I decided to stay up all night to watch that T.V. series I have never had any problems with my sleep pattern. I'm so upset. I really didn't want to resort to having to take a sleeping aid but I'm not so sure even that would help.

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that happens to me often in the holidays but I've learnt how to deal with it.

stay up one night and no matter how tired you are dont go to sleep..mybe an hour or two..then comes 9 oclock u pass out and make sure u get up early the next day.


If you happen to wake up in the middle of the night , force yourself to stay in bed. Don't read, watch tv etc..tell you body and mind its time to sleep.


The longer you let it go by the harder itd be to change it..

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Just like it took you six days to get on this new cycle, it's going to take several days to get you on a normal one. You just have to force yourself to go to bed early, even if you aren't falling asleep.


Create a bedtime routine so that it helps signal to your brain that it's time to sleep. You're not supposed to do anything too stimulating an hour before bed, including watching tv, going on the computer, or reading an involved book. I know that's easier said than done because it gives you nothing to do for an hour haha. I was never able to do that one.


I'd also try to ease yourself into it. If you're going to bed at like 6 am now, try going to bed at 3 am one night, 2 am the next, then 1 am, etc. It should make the transition easier. And make yourself get up at the same time everyday regardless of what time you actually fell asleep.

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I don't know about nightmares, but eating before bed isn't really a good idea in general for your health. It's recommended that you not eat for at least 2 hours before bed. It can increase the likelihood of not sleeping through the night.

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I have a job that sometimes requires me to stay up all night.


The best way to break this pattern is to force yourself to stay up all the next day and then go to bed early. You need to reset your biological clock, and if you sleep at random times it gets out of whack.


For example, if you're up all night, don't go to bed again til the next night at 8 p.m. Force yourself to do things to stay awake to tough out that one day... go out, go shopping, clean house, or whatever, then go to bed early the next night and you'll be back on schedule in one day.


This works becuase it is easier to find things to do to stay awake than it is to force yourself to go to sleep.

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well, you aren't missing any beauty sleep, that's for sure. i'd fix the pattern. i'm trying to fix mine as well. it's hard when your days are long and you can't really relax until late at night and your day starts early. uhhh

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