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new w/ a question... plz advice

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hey y'all. i'm new here and felt like sharing my story (current one at least) and ask for any advice. thanx


my ex and i were together for 5 months before he broke up with me out of the blue (or so it seemed to me). now we're friends. i read what u all had to say about no contact and frankly i don't think that's possible for us since we go to school at the local jc together and even have a mutual class (organic chemistry). i also used to work at the same place he does and have been asked to come back to work there.


sorry... back on topic - the thing is that we're now friends and i want a little something out of this friendship if that's understandable... i really miss our intimacy - seriously, the guy was *gr8!* so i was wondering... and i'm not even sure i posted in the right folder -- how does one seduce the ex? is that possible? i have heard stories of people doing just that but i was curious - HOW?


also, i noticed that "no contact" seems to be your all's idea of how to possibly get the ex back. now i ask - is it possible to get the ex back while being friends? and if so, are there any pointers? i noticed a "no contact" list of pointers/suggestions...


thanx... and PLEAZE advice!!!

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first, welcome aboard. second of all, yeah you can get the ex back while being friends... this is sort of an update to my story & also an answer to your question...


my ex and i've been friends for a few weeks now and on saturday we went out to a movie and lets just say that things progressed... holding hands, stroking my arm, slipping his arm around me as we walked, kissing me, and finally asking for a second chance. my thoughts - yippee! so to answer ur question, yeah it can happen. i'm back w/ my ex and totally stoked... all the best to you...


hopefully the 'experts' and pros on this board can offer more advice. all the best. and remember - be true to yourself.

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