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You really can't compare it to the kind of suffering animals have to go through- being skinned alive, electrocuted, forced to live in cages, just for OUR sake. That's just as worse as you can get when it comes to suffering.


sadly people have experienced these things as well.

...the evil of man... is astounding.

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Ah yeah course, I meant for like fur and stuff, but for testing yeah I guess they need to be living.


CAD, do lots of people die in clinical trials? thats a serious question, I have no idea.


We treat animals like they were placed here for our use, and whatever purpose we want them for. That is pretty awful to be honest. Which I don't know, does that counteract with the fact that I think to eat animals for surivial is ok? I had this same argument with my guy afew months ago, I can't remember what conclusion we came to though. We got pretty mad at eachother though lol



There have been a couple of high profile cases (I believe one in Philadelphia) where someone died from a clinical trial because the trial was mismanaged. There can be side effects to medications and procedures that are being tested, but the consent form spells out the risks that are involved in being part of the study. In some studies the drug or device being tested is a last resort for these people because there is nothing else that will cure them. So some people die on a study because they were already very sick and dying. All studies are monitored very closely. Before a study reaches the clinical trial stage, however, the drug has been rigorously test in the laboratory and on lab animals.

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But not in the masses like animals and it's not a common, ongoing thing. I know there have been instances in history but at least it has stopped.


No it hasnt lol.

but thats another subject unto itself.

i loves animals. and i could never harm one.

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there are other types of vivisection also.

that dont involve products but other things. like brain trauma and psycology studies.

one i read about involved a man who was particularly brutal. he took a baby chimp and stuck it at the bottom of a vat with no lighting. and fed it food and water for i think three years just to see how it would act when he took it out.

The result was a catatonic specimen.

and then there are the monkeys who had their limbs surgically paralyzed.

...the ones that are forced to smoke... the list goes on.

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there are other types of vivisection also.

that dont involve products but other things. like brain trauma and psycology studies.

one i read about involved a man who was particularly brutal. he took a baby chimp and stuck it at the bottom of a vat with no lighting. and fed it food and water for i think three years just to see how it would act when he took it out.

The result was a catatonic specimen.

and then there are the monkeys who had their limbs surgically paralyzed.

...the ones that are forced to smoke... the list goes on.


Is that the Pit of Despair? I'm actually just reading about that now.

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After 30 days, the "total isolates," as they were called, were found to be "enormously disturbed." After being isolated for a year, they barely moved, didn't explore or play, and were incapable of having sexual relations. When put with other monkeys for a daily play session, they were badly bullied. Two of them refused to eat and starved themselves to death.[4]


In order to find out how the isolates would parent, Harlow devised what he called a "rape rack," to which the female isolates were tied in the position taken by a normal female monkey in order to be impregnated. Artificial insemination had not been developed at that time. He found that, just as they were incapable of having sexual relations, they were also unable to parent their offspring, either abusing or neglecting them. "Not even in our most devious dreams could we have designed a surrogate as evil as these real monkey mothers were," he wrote. [5] Having no social experience themselves, they were incapable of appropriate social interaction. One mother held her baby's face to the floor and chewed off his feet and fingers. Another crushed her baby's head. Most of them simply ignored their offspring. [5]


These experiments showed Harlow what total and partial isolation did to developing monkeys, but he felt he hadn't captured the essense of depression, which he believed was characterized by feelings of loneliness, helplessness, and a sense of being trapped, or being "sunk in a well of despair," he said


Pit of despair.

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it does more to hurt their cause and message IMO, because the public at large now associates people who care for the suffering of animals with 'loons' and extremists and at best they dont take the cause seriously, and at worst they become an enemy of it.

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Yeah I agree, they do have a sort of stigma attached to them now, and maybe due to the PETA and its over the top protests!


Which is ironic really huh.


But, what else can you do? do petitions and stuff work? I asked earlier on, does anyone even know of any kind of place that has been closed down because of these methods?

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I just read about Britches, the little monkey =( he got out, which is good.


I wonder how many places get broken into, and animals set free.


and erm.. har har.


Have you seen the show "Escape to Chimp Eden" ? I have a crush on the guy in that show just for that reason, he's cute AND he rescues animals...I'm in love lol.

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Have you seen the show "Escape to Chimp Eden" ? I have a crush on the guy in that show just for that reason, he's cute AND he rescues animals...I'm in love lol.


i love that show! i could watch it for hours on end.

(and i have)

but wha-wha-watch out, he's married and has a kid

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i love that show! i could watch it for hours on end.

(and i have)

but wha-wha-watch out, he's married and has a kid


Aww is he Somewhere deep inside I was holding out a little hope lol.


I really admire him, it's nice to know there are people out there like him, if very rare. He's so inspirational.

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haha, No Bubs I havent seen it!


So he rescues abused animals! wow! thats a whole other superhero right there, move over Hancock LOL


He rescues abused chimps and takes them to his sanctuary. When he doesn't get permission to take them he'll come back and force them out, it's so admirable how far he goes for the chimps.


OMG I just googled britches the monkey and came up with an image linked to a webpage where they showed pictures of more abused monkeys used in labs Gosh it's so sad.

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