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Why do girls dye their hair?


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I'm probably overacting here. Does anyone have any theories why girls dye their hair?


I was thinking that it could be that they do it because they trying to look cool or different for someone. correct me if I'm wrong.


All thoughts and opinions highly appreciated. Many thanks in advance.

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I do mine sometimes - and don't think of it as any different than getting something new to wear, sometimes it just FEELS good to do something a little different for yourself. Especially if you're getting over or getting past something, just depends on each person what makes them feel like they've done something nice for themselves I suppose

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Fashion, for the most part. Women- and men -die their hair because it's a temporary image accessory. OR, sometimes because it's a cultural norm, such as in Japan where about 90% of college women die their hair brown.


By the way, any women reading this, I HATE it when women die their hair blond. It's not fashionable. All it says to me is that they want to look like all the other girls who die their hair blond, who in turn want to look like real blondes because in western society blonde is seen as "desirable, uncomplicated, and sexually easy." In fact, I know a lot of guys who feel the same way as me. So please, your natural hair color is a hell of a lot sexier.

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I agree with the other posts that say most do it to look or feel better about theirself. I, personally used to dye my hair because it was something different and at the time I was in the little "dark gothic" stage of my life so I would always keep my hair dyed black w/ white tips(you didnt and still don't see many peeps w/hair like mine) and of course I wanted to be different then all these chics and dudes w/ blonde hair hehe.(no offense to the natural blondes) But anyway.. yeah.. I believe most do it for a little boost to their confidence I guess but everybody has a different reason .. LOL


-Mythical Suicide-

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I haven't dyed my hair for a couple of years now, but many years ago, I would do it often, along with changing my hair style. I did it because I loved constantly having a new image. I was still in my teens and experimenting with different looks, trying to find my self-image. If I did it now, it would be for a bit of fun, a little boost to my confidence and look. Just like buying new shoes, clothes or trying different makeup. Different people do it for different reasons.


There is no doubt that quite a few guys do it too. I think it's great. It's another form of self-expression. Some will also agree that your body is like an empty canvas with which you can create a piece of artwork on to tell the world what kind of person you are, just like an artist does.

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I agree with the frustration thing, I'm a guy and I have dyed my hair before - it was a natural colour - auburn. I'm not to confident about my current love interest so if it goes askew I think I'll dye my hair red

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I occasionally dye my har purple (not too bright though). Mynatural hair colour is dark brown. I do it because it brings out the green in my eyes and to make people smile.


I would NEVER dye my hair blonde though, why would I want to look like everyone else?


I don't really do it to attract guys.

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I'm naturally blond, but sometimes feel like changing my haircolor. Sometimes I like dying it cherry blond, since I have green eyes, it just looks better than just having it blond, which looks beautiful with blue eyes. I love it when my hair has a tint of red, because that's how it looked when I was young, and as ai grew up, i went completely blond.


I love dying my hair pitch black sometimes too. I guess it just depends on the mood.

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if they were trying to be different.. why do most of them seem to go blonde? just from personal opinion here.. but seems like the majority of people that dye their hair go blonde.. or a blonde tone with seom red or something... not really different to me.. i personally am quite happy with my hair colour and have no intentions of dying it anytime soom

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dyed my hair because I'm not a big fan of my light blond hair. I love red hair and even though the dyes made my hair fall out, I still like the bright red. I haven't done much to my hair for a few months because I've got about 5 hairs left



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Why do I dye my hair?! I'm NOT doing it to be cool or whatever. I'm 21. I never cared about being cool or whatever...not even as a teenager. I do it because I like my new look. I'm Chinese so I was born with black hair. Black can get a lil dull...so I dye it dark brown and get lighter brown streaks. It makes me look not as pale as when I have black hair. Even my parents who don't really like the fact that I do that, says my new hair colour suits me better...

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i know that some people would like to have blond hair and blue eyes but to be honest i just kept getting sterotyped and i hated that. plus i just got incredibly bored with the clour and so i dyed it. it made me feel different and im not sure why or how but i stopped having so many blond moments. lol

dizzy old me!!

Catie xxx

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