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Got a new pup, need advice


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My girlfriend and I have been living together for about a year now with her 4 year old husky. The husky is friendly and when around other dogs at the park for a bit he wants to be dominant over them especially if they are smaller.


Three days ago I brought home a 6 week old lab and border collie mix and the husky has gotten very territorial. A first he got really torqued if the puppy touched his food, toys or spot on the floor. Now he isn't as bad but he keeps attacking her for no reason. Just a little while ago we were watching a movie, the puppy was laying on the floor and the husky walked up to her, they sniffed noses then he bit her by the snout and flung her accross the room. The pup was schreiking in pain and I got really freaked out, she is OK though.


My GF seems to think that this is an attention issue. Can anybody lend some advice? I just want them to get along all the time, not just every now and then.

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There's a territorial issue going on, but it can be fixed. Take the dogs out of the house and let them get to know each other on neutral ground. Also, try to keep them separated until they become more comfortable with each other. However, if this doesnt work, one of the dogs will have to go because this kind of behavior could end in the puppy getting killed or seriously hurt.

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Are huskies really that territorial? As a former owner of three dogs at one time, let me tell you, there were times that when I brought home our second dog, I was sure the first dog wanted to kill her. The first dog is ALWAYS the alpha dog. She was smaller but much more aggressive. She was part German Shepherd.

But to bite a young pup by the snout and fling her accross the room! Ooh.. dear. i would either call a dog behaviorist and get this sorted or keep them separated until you can establish a safe pecking order. This sounds dangerous. And labs are a gentle sort of dog. They are not likely to start a fight either. My last lab, he wouldn't even defend himself!

How is young pup acting now? Is it acting afraid of the bigger dog?

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