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shaking while kissing plz help


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everytime my girl and i make out for a while i start to shake.... its not nervousness cuz im not like shaking b4 we kiss which is the most nervous part of the kiss (for me ne ways) ..but we'll b sitting there kissing and after a few minutes ill just start shakin out of no where and ill have to stop the kiss cuz im shakin like crazy... and like i said b4 i dont think its cuz im nervous... ne body have ne ideas of y i might b doin this????

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I agree with Cherrylicious it is probably is anxiety. It nothing to worry too much about we all at some point have little hiccups in some part of our relationship which we usually overcome. I don't think that there's much that you can do but the breathing excercise that Cherrylicious suggested and if it still carry's on go and see your doctor. There's nothing wrong with going to see the doctor with these sort of problems he might even know the answer to your problem that's what their there for isn't it, to help.


- whitefang

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Hey, I have a different theory, because it's happened to me before.


I'm pretty sure I tracked down why it was happening. I'm into a lot of outdoor activities, and lifting heavy things and whatever, have a pretty physical life. So when it comes to laying down kissing someone, my muscles would struggle to cope with being gentle. Like if I was stroking her hair it would be fine because the muscle would be moving, but if I tried to hold it still, it would jitter and start to get a bit out of control. Sometimes I'd just hold my arm up in space and we'd just watch it go and laugh. I never found a cure though.


So yeah, I wasn't at all nervous around her, just my body wasn't tuned to carry out the delicate movements involved in cuddling up intimately.


Owell we all got something, seeya,


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I agree with elusivejc. It is a possiblity, because i used to do Martial Arts (Kung Fu) and during a free-style sparing with my master he hit one of my hand and didn't think nothing of it until months down the line i notice when i was out with mates and i picked up a can of coke with my right hand. Whenever i pick up a can in college now my right hand shakes when i hold it towards my mouth. I think i might of done something to my nerve in my hand or my muscles, well can't do anything about it now it's a bit late so i'll have to put up with it. Also when i hug a girl for the first time i felt my body shaking come to think of it not physically but i wanted to (kind of odd). So what elusivejc could be on to the acctual problem, but it's still worth going to see the doctor about it.


All the best ,


- whitefang

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alright thx elusivejc i think thats the most likely reason out of ne of them... as for going to the doctor i dont really think i need to.... just suck it up and maybe it will go away after a while... or maybe just keep moving while kissing, stroking her etc.

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Well.. theory or no theory.. your hands SHOULD be involved when making out.. I mean they could be still on her face or you could be holding her hand.. or they could be feeling her on her back or legs.. or if she doesn't mind, you can go elsewhere.


I know that I'm taller than my gf and after making out for long periods of time, my leg starts to shake since I have to always bend it. So you can try it where you're leaning against a wall with your legs spread and she's infront of you.


Experiment, you have nothing to lose!

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