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General University Questions


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do all places pretty much one year to establish residency......before you send in the application! If you get rejected that means the whole chain of campuses of the state university so your are toast and wasted a year establishing residency?? Can residency change in the middle if you get an appartment for the first year?


Can you be accepted and start in spring semester?


What the highest amount for a student loan a no credit/ and no cosign can get?? (out of state)


After graduating, how long does it take to get accepted and begin as graduate student, or can you takea semester off for travel or in between graduate and undergraduate without grace period starting? but you have to stay in so many units right?? can you go back to deffered if in grace period started but you whoop back into college like this?


undergraduate after transfer/associate is 60 units?


graduate school is 30 units?


How long additional is Dr. or PHD or how many units? Is that what the 2 year thesis is? probably longer than the loan will wait....


Thanks for any experience or general knowledge. My knowledge is off of one bank visit but for out of state need more than 25,000 for total attendence.

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do all places pretty much one year to establish residency......before you send in the application!


Generally in most states, you have to live there for a year before you can apply for reciprocity. I know that here in Minnesota, you can simply apply for reciprocity for colleges in other states such as North Dakota or Wisconsin without residency requirements. It depends on where you're going to school and what policies the state where the college is located has in place.



If you get rejected that means the whole chain of campuses of the state university so your are toast and wasted a year establishing residency??


I do not know how it works where you live or where you are applying to, but in Minnesota, all the campuses of the U of M and the MnSCU (State University and college system) are independent of each other as far as admissions go, so if you got denied from one college, you could still be accepted to another one.


However, many university systems have similar admission requirements for their campuses, so that could be a factor as well.


Can residency change in the middle if you get an appartment for the first year?


From my understanding, no, because no matter where you are living, if there is no reciprocity agreement in place, you have to be a resident of the state for a year before you can pay the in-state tuition rate.


Can you be accepted and start in spring semester?


Yes, but you usually have to specify that on your college application and your FAFSA, if your applying for financial aid. I don't know offhand if you can be accepted for the fall semester and start in the spring.


What the highest amount for a student loan a no credit/ and no cosign can get?? (out of state)


It depends on the loan program. For federal loans, the highest you can get is the amount that the school gives you in your aid package.


After graduating, how long does it take to get accepted and begin as graduate student, or can you takea semester off for travel or in between graduate and undergraduate without grace period starting? but you have to stay in so many units right?? can you go back to deffered if in grace period started but you whoop back into college like this?
That question I do not know the answer to. I'd advise you to check with the college you're applying to.


undergraduate after transfer/associate is 60 units?


This might vary by college, but where I go to college, yes.


graduate school is 30 units?


It most likely varies by graduate program.


How long additional is Dr. or PHD or how many units? Is that what the 2 year thesis is? probably longer than the loan will wait....


I'm not sure about the doctorate question, but usually repayment of loans starts 6 months after graduation from school, so as long as your still in school and taking the minimum amount of credits, you should be fine.

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One can start graduate school usually anytime he/she pleases, though the majority of my peers went either immediately after completing undergraduate degrees or went within two-three years after that. Other degree programs, such as the MBA, may like to see working experience on your CV before pursuit. I have also known of people who have pursued the professional doctorates (not the research ones) after having successful careers in other things, i.e. known a few medical students in their 50's.


My master's program was 30 course hours, or "units" if you call a course hour a unit. It took me 2.5 years to complete this. I paid for this out of pocket.


My PhD was approximately 80 hours and took 5 years to complete. I was totally funded for this. A PhD in the US can take anywhere from 3-7+ years, depending upon the field. The time devoted exclusively to thesis research is usually 2+ years after completing didactic coursework in my field, more like 3-5 for most students.

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