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Love my gf so much, I dont know what these feelings are


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Hi everyone, I just need some help on finding myself.


I am only 17... but I live a life that's allot more closer to an adult. I have been working full time for almost two years to help my single mom pay the rent. I pay the same bills any common "adult" pays, I have gone through my father cheating on my mom, leaving our family, then passing away on not so good of terms.

I have grown up faster then I would have liked, I miss being an innocent kid trying to save my allowance to get a new set of skateboard wheels.


I am happy with my present life too though... I am doing VERY well with my job/career... I am a network administrator at a fairly large company, and I am progressing there very good. I have been trying to be active, and keep myself in shape... reading and learning lots when I have time... learning to manage my money good. On 90% of my days I am completely happy with everything.


5 months ago I met this girl. My friend brought her and her friend to dinner with our group of friends. I was w struck. So beautiful, SO incredibly smart, same interests as me, funny as heck. We just clicked and became in my opinion best friends right away. We soon started dating.. took it as slow as we could.

I see her literally EVERYDAY after work, and we both haven't even begun to get bugged or annoyed at each other because of this. get along great with her family, etc. etc.

I would honestly do anything for this girl... to try and put my feelings for her into words would totally strip away any meaning from it.

There is no question in my mind whether I love her, or my depth of love for her. And I know she loves me so much it hurts too.


Lately though, I have been feeling very, well here is where I am confused. I don't really KNOW how I am feelings. I am usually very good at analyzing myself, to fix problems, but this time I have had no luck.

I feel desperate, constantly anxious, occasionally frustrated, insecure a bit, kind of out of touch with the real world cuz of thinking about life, etc.

I am not unhappy though... and when I AM with my girlfriend, these feelings really get tamed down and I feel better usually.


I tried talking to her about this a week ago in the most unthreatening way possible, but it sort-of scared her. I made sure she knew I didn't have ANY thoughts about even considering leaving, or taking a break form her. never.


I just don't want to scare her. Is this maybe just the feelings of when I am going deeper into love with her? Its not like I am very depressed etc. I just hate feeling anxious about something that's not apparent to me.


Maybe we are spending TOO much time together? I don't feel we are, but we have tried to cut it down during the week a bit... with no luck. I swear I just cant help it.. I cant stay away! I miss her every minute I am at work, and its SO hard coming to grips and making myself leave from her house so I can get some sleep before waking up for work.

Maybe its because the relationship is progressing past that certain point, and since I am so young I'm just feeling kinda nervous?


I have seriously thought that if things keep going the way they do... then there is no question why I should marry this girl in the future (no im not gonna run of and get married at 18 or something). She is my best friend, as well as the person I want to be with forever. (she is 8 months older then me).


Please give me some advice, I feel so scattered around!



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Whenever anyone asks me, if you could be any age again, what age would you choose? I always say 17.


I believe that 17 is the age when a boy turns into a man, it is thereforeeee only natural that you are having these feelings. For me it was all about the meaning of life and what kind of person I would be. The most important thing to remember is that you can't have anyone tell you the answers to your questions - you have to figure them out for yourself because only you can answer them to a level satisfactory to your expectations.


It will take you time and your thoughts and opinions will most likely change but you have to remember that this is a change in *you*. If you talk to your girlfriend about it then she will know what is going on and she won't feel neglected or in the shade.

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I guess to make my huge post short, I was asking if these feelings are something to do with my relationship with my GF, or me as a young man growing up?


I have NEVER felt this way before... sure I have been very depressed at times, anxious etc. but I at least knew WHY, and soon figured out a game plan to resolve it.


I was sort of scared too that maybe these feelings were happening because of the seriousness of our relationship, and that if it keeps getting worse it could only mean doom for our future.

I'll just try and focus on who I want to be in my life, and ask for some comfort from my girl. I really just need for her to hold me right now.



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this is what i call commitment anxiety!


ive been there recently man, basically it sounds like your insecure about your relationship, possibly because youve never been in a relationship that could be serious before and so you're getting nervous because you dont wanna screw it up.


just let it pass, its a natural guy thing

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