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It's me again....(opposite of anorexia)

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Hi guys.


Thanks for all your replies in my first thread. I decided to be brave and take some pics and show you what I look like, so I might be able to tell if I'm seeing what's really there in the mirror, or if I'm blind to my actual size. Feel free to post anything you like - I'm anonymous, so I'm posting the pics voluntarily and I'm interested in hearing whatever you guys have to say. I've blanked out some things from my house in case someone could recognise them.






*EDIT* I took the pics down.

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It's hard to tell without knowing your height, and with a loose waistline, but maybe 142#? You have beautiful skin and pretty legs. I didn't read your other thread, but what are you worried about?


Thankyou. I'm about 176cm tall. I actually hate my legs, (lol) I think they are weirdly shaped. 142 as in 142 pounds? My other thread was about thinking I have the opposite of anorexia, as when I look in the mirror, I appear fine, when in reality, I am quite overweight.

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If you think you are overweight and aren't happy with your body, the only solution is to work out more. There's no way around it.


I'm aware of that. If you read my other thread you would know that I am starting a diet and exercise plan. This thread isn't to complain about how unhappy I am with my body. It's to figure out if I really do look my weight, and if so, how my perception of my own body could be so blurred.

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I'm not sure what you are asking.


Are you looking for fitness tips? There are plenty on here or plenty of references of where to find them.


Are you happy with how you look? You look tall and big, so i'd say about 180 -190 pounds.?


is this just a guessing game as to how much you weigh

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I'm aware of that. If you read my other thread you would know that I am starting a diet and exercise plan. This thread isn't to complain about how unhappy I am with my body. It's to figure out if I really do look my weight' date=' and if so, how my perception of my own body could be so blurred.[/quote']


Awesome! I wish you success with your plan.

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I saw your other thread, Butterfly, so I won't spoil the guessing fun for everyone!


In my very honest opinion, you look overweight. You definitely do not look obese, but I do think you would look better if you lost some weight. I also think it's great that you have a good body image, but it's also important to take into account health, quite aside from physical appearance.


As BSBH said in your other thread, you only have about 25 pounds to go to be at a healthy weight. It sounds like a lot, but I think it is VERY do-able. Annie24 (another member, with a weight loss journey journal) managed to lose up to 30 pounds at one point on a 180-pound body frame, and I think it wasn't TOO painful.


Good luck!

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I saw your other thread so I won't spoil the guessing game either.

I'm about 5'7" (172 cm) tall and 190 lbs (86 kg)...and you know, I think I know what you're talking about. I find I tend to be in a little bit of denial I look in the mirror and I feel pretty good, then in photos it's like...wow, eugh. And when I compare myself to other people, it jogs me a bit too, but somehow I still FEEL like I'm pretty average, though I know I'm not a small girl...I still think I look a lot lighter than I actually am! And because of this I've been a little resistant to change, because I feel like I am used to how I am, and I can get away with it, and nobody really treats me as a large person.

So you're not alone, anyways. I wish you all the luck with the changes you are making! Hopefully this inspires me to finally make some changes myself!

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I'm not sure what you are asking.


Are you looking for fitness tips? There are plenty on here or plenty of references of where to find them.


Are you happy with how you look? You look tall and big, so i'd say about 180 -190 pounds.?


is this just a guessing game as to how much you weigh


Thanks for your guess. To answer your question, I'm asking how much do you think I weigh. No it's not a guessing game. In my other thread, I said I recently weighed myself and was devastated with the number on the scales. I knew I had put on weight, but not *that* much! This made me wonder how I could not see myself getting bigger, and why when I look in the mirror, I think I look fine, but not big. It got me wondering and I wanted to clarify if it was just me and I had body dysmorphia or something. Hence, asking others how much they think I look like I weigh, to get an idea of how big I look to others, and not just me.


No I'm not happy with how I look, but as stated before, I'm undertaking an exercise and diet plan and hoping to lose some weight. I will be looking into the tips on here too.


I saw your other thread, Butterfly, so I won't spoil the guessing fun for everyone!




In my very honest opinion, you look overweight. You definitely do not look obese, but I do think you would look better if you lost some weight. I also think it's great that you have a good body image, but it's also important to take into account health, quite aside from physical appearance.


Thanks for being honest. That was a little hard to hear (or read rather, hehe) but I needed it. I totally agree I will look better once having lost the weight. I've fought this since my early teens though, which is the hard thing. I've never seen myself slim.


As BSBH said in your other thread, you only have about 25 pounds to go to be at a healthy weight. It sounds like a lot, but I think it is VERY do-able. Annie24 (another member, with a weight loss journey journal) managed to lose up to 30 pounds at one point on a 180-pound body frame, and I think it wasn't TOO painful.


Good luck!


Thanks for that. I will have to check that out and maybe it will give me some inspiration. I've got a deadline that I have to have lost at least *something* by - my 21st birthday in 6 months. I've decided that's it - I've been like this my whole life, I'm not going to be fat come my 21st birthday.


I saw your other thread so I won't spoil the guessing game either.

I'm about 5'7" (172 cm) tall and 190 lbs (86 kg)...and you know, I think I know what you're talking about. I find I tend to be in a little bit of denial I look in the mirror and I feel pretty good, then in photos it's like...wow, eugh. And when I compare myself to other people, it jogs me a bit too, but somehow I still FEEL like I'm pretty average, though I know I'm not a small girl...I still think I look a lot lighter than I actually am! And because of this I've been a little resistant to change, because I feel like I am used to how I am, and I can get away with it, and nobody really treats me as a large person.

So you're not alone, anyways. I wish you all the luck with the changes you are making! Hopefully this inspires me to finally make some changes myself!


Thanks so much for your response! Denial! That's it! I think I am in a little bit of denial too. But it took you saying that to realise that I am. What you said is exactly the same way I feel. This has been such a wake up call. I knew I put on a little weight over the festive season, but damn! I didn't think it was *that* much! Now it's even more to lose, but I can do it. This time I will. I hope I have inspired you

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Hello Butterfly,

Congrats on your new goals. If I were asked to give an accurate description of you, I'd need to rely on things like hair color and what you wore that day, because you wouldn't stand out in my mind as someone overweight. I'd estimate your height and maybe throw in 'average build' as I have no clue how to guess someone's weight.


I guess our own definition of heavy for ourselves depends on where we've been in the past. If this is heavy for you, then you've probably not fought with weight issues before (I haven't read your prior posts, sorry).


I'd like to share with you two main things I learned about pushing back against a suddenly slow metabolism (I never was the same after a surgery). First, I avoid repeating the same exercises two days in a row--for instance, I alternate cardio between treadmill one day, elliptical the next, and weights between upper body and lower body. I had never considered 'recovery time' before, as it doesn't sound all that important--but it's everything to fat burning.


Which leads me to sleep. I discovered that the more sleep I get, the more fat I burn. Weird, eh? I'm a night owl, so this was a stunner for me that I learned by accident after an injury. Now I always go to bed much earlier, and right before sleep I take an amino acid supplement--mine is called GH Formula from link removed. (It's not 'growth hormones' but supports your body's own production of those.) The amino acid blend helps your tissues and organs repair themselves overnight, especially your digestive lining--which is critical for metabolizing properly and avoiding 'leaky gut'.


Anyway, I had been doing everything right--eating well, taking good vitamins, working out (like a maniac) and nothing budged my weight until I figured out the combo of proper recovery and rest along with amino acid support.


I hope you'll be thrilled with your body in no time.


In your corner.

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Thanks very much for your reply, catfeeder.


I have been roughly this size from about my teens. I've never been 'thin'. I've fought it for many years and finally decided enough is enough. I'm dying to know what I would look like thin, as I've never seen it before. So I'm doing something about it.


I will try and get to bed earlier from now on, and alternate my exercise. I'm starting out with walking to ease into a routine, but don't want it to become monotonous, or ineffective. Thanks again for your reply

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Thankyou. I'm about 176cm tall. I actually hate my legs' date=' (lol) I think they are weirdly shaped. 142 as in 142 pounds? My other thread was about thinking I have the opposite of anorexia, as when I look in the mirror, I appear fine, when in reality, I am quite overweight.[/quote']


OK, you are 5 ft 10 inches, so I was thinking 142 pounds,which would be for a lady my height and your shape(5 ft 4 inches) but did not realize your height. So I say you look like about 160 pounds. Am I close?


I do the same thing- look great in the mirror and then see a picture and think "whoa"....but I think that is healthier than the anorectic mindset.

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