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This Really Sucks.. And I NEED Help With It..

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Mmk.. So heres the problem-o.. And I'm warning you, This is gunna be long. Right... So theres this guy that I really, really like and I mean like.. I'm pratically in love with him, And we've been "Seeing" eachother for a couple of months now. Everythings great between us and I feel so comfortable with him and I know he feels the same. We hold eachother and kiss all the time.. But that's where the problem is.. When we kiss it's just a small kiss, No tongues.. Now he's never kissed anyone properly before.. And you'd think that'd be where the problem is.. But it's not! The problems with me! He's told me that he wants to kiss me and he's even tried a few times.. But I've pulled away. I haven't got a clue why I pull away, I just do.. I think it might be something to do with another time I kissed someone, It was well... A bad experience shall we say? Yeh, Anyway I really want to kiss him, But I just.. Can't.. I've never liked someone this much and I really don't want to screw this up.. And yes he know about my "Past experience" and he understands compleatly.. Please Help!!! I need some advice! Thankoo..!

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a couple things to think about. what do you imagine in your mind when you think of kissing? is it appealing or other? start there.


you may be so nervous you cant enjoy it, try to relax, if you know this guy likes you then maybe trust him if you can. im sure there is better advice out there but i have been complimented on my kissing for decades seriously though. listen to your feelings not your head, let it happen and relax, it will be ok.


things have chagned a little since my first kiss, do you want to be the one to initiate or receive the kiss? sometimes people want to either be in control or not. I dont know if this is helping but i guess i just want to say you will be ok every new thing is scary sometimes.

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