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At this moment I feel like I should give up on trying to get my ex back. We still talk and he acts likes he wants to get back together but then he keeps telling me that he just wants to be alone. He says that he doesn't know why, that's just how he feels.And I guess that he can be himself alone and not in a realtionship.I don't want to have to be alone and move one but it is all hurting me inside. I have done all that I can to get him to change his mind and show that I really care about him. If I should move on how should I go about doing that? I really don't want because I think I still love him and I don't want to lose him. Help! What should I do?

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i can relate to those feelings. there is probably more here, many people go through that phase of i need to be alone right now and it crushes those who are in love with them.


If you have tried the carrot maybe now the stick? meaning and not to be harsh but maybe its time give him what he wants, see the "no contact" section link removed


its says pretty much all the reasons to let someone go their own way when they say they want to. i have been doing it and its hard. but there are three very good reasons i see in your case


1. respect the space he asks for will show you care enough to let him go even though you dont want to.


2. he will miss you more and may have more doubts if you arent there to make him feel better.


3. you can take the time to see how YOU feel. we kind of miss that part we get so busy worrying about the next thing they are going to do.



How to break it off, its hard my only advice would be to say. I love you and i understand your reasons for not being together. I will respect that you want to be alone right now. i will miss you. dont over complicate it, keep it simple and the truth.


Now is the part you really need to pay attention to "no contact" rules about. they work, if only for you. I am five weeks into a breakup and she is making contact, i have no idea where mine is headed, but i am getting stronger for it. I know this is hard but it sounds like he doesnt want to totally lose you, but you have to let go to find out. keep me posted

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