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is this an attempt of my ex contacting me? is there any meaning?

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ok, so i've been 6 months broken up with my ex who i greatly cared for and loved. back in september i had to remove her from myspace because i couldn't look at it anymore, it upset me too much. however, i do remember that she removed all of the photos that she had of us on there.


today i log in for the first time in several days and i see new 'tagged photos', so i go and look and they are from my ex, photos of us last year. what the hell does this suppose to mean? did she do this on purpose or is this another myspace screw up? i don't want to read into this too much. but i've come along way since then and don't want feel that terrible again. my heart literally almost jumped out of my chest when i saw that, it was beating so fast.

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How many pictures did she put up? Did she write any captions under them? Are they in a special album, or just included with all her other pics?


There's 2 possible explanations that came to mind:


1) She just likes the way she looks in those pictures, & she wanted to put them up.

2) You deleted her off your myspace, & she didn't want to be the one to add you back, so she's trying to "remind" you of her by posting up the tagged photos--knowing that myspace will inform you that you are in someone's pictures, & lead you to her profile.


You shouldn't let it get to you. If you already made your decision to go NC & you deleted her off your myspace, you should let it be.

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There were only 2 photos, no captions, and they have their own album. There is 1 photo that is just of me however.


Is it possible to tag somebody that is not on your friends list? I'm wondering if this is just a glitch or not.


I suppose if she really wanted to get in touch with me, she would. She knows how to reach me.

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There were only 2 photos, no captions, and they have their own album. There is 1 photo that is just of me however.


Is it possible to tag somebody that is not on your friends list? I'm wondering if this is just a glitch or not.


I suppose if she really wanted to get in touch with me, she would. She knows how to reach me.


Now that you mention it, I don't think you can tag someone that's not your friend.


It's weird how she just put up a photo of you alone.


If it's bothering you that your pic is up on her myspace, then you can kindly ask her to take it off. Mention to her that myspace informed you that you're in a tagged pic, & it led you to her page (so she doesn't think you randomly check her page).


If it doesn't really bother you, then just let it go. No reason for contact.

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well, let me say that hers and mine are both set to private - i can't see anything at all, so i do not know for sure if she actually posted any photos or not. all i know is i got a notification stating that i was tagged in one of her photos - approve or don't approve.


this has to be a glitch

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Ignore it.


You're letting this one thing work you up. Like you said, if she wanted contact, she knows how to get through to you. Doesn't matter what she's doing with her photos, if you don't like it, you can simply be civil and ask her to take down any pictures pertaining to you.


If it were me, I'd see it as nothing and ignore it. Just her posting up her memories, nothing more, nothing less.

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i'm fine with it now. after some rational thought, this has to be some sort of glitch with myspace. there is no way for her to tag me since i'm not her friend anymore. its funny that of out of all of the people, it just happened to be her that it came from. i was feeling really good and proud of myself because i hadn't looked at it in such a long time and i just sort of freaked out when saw it.


crazy glitches ...

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The same exact thing happened to me yesterday. I hadn't logged onto myspace in a couple of weeks and when I did yesterday, it said I had tagged photos waiting for approval. The date was yesterday, yet her profile says she hadn't logged on since late December, 2008. We are not friends on myspace nor have we talked to each other in over 2 months.


I believe it has to be a glitch but how, I don't know.

There were only 2 photos, no captions, and they have their own album. There is 1 photo that is just of me however.

This is the exact thing for me as well. A photo with me, her, and a friend, and a photo of just me. Do you think it's some kind of myspace hacker submitting tagged photos to the ex's?

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