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what's on his mind?


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why does my bf often asks me would i like him to be different,more outgoing etc?though my answer is i love him for what he is,he never stops asking it again. he also wonders how it would be for me if i was with someone else,someone better than him? is this coming from his insecurities,or is he trying to get me to break up with him?


he especialy starts with this questions after we run into guys who used to be in love with me,(but they're not my ex,we just used to be friends at some point). he starts asking about them etc. i guess he gets jealous? also if some guy stares at me,he immediately puts his arm around me. i'm getting a bit frustrated with it.


he's my first and only bf,and he often says he feels sorry for me not to be with anyone else,(we're in our 20' and planning to stay together). could he be worried i'd cheat on him? i'm not doing anything to make him think that.


i don't know what's going on exactly and how to deal with him?

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He doesn't think hes good enough for you.


You're saying the right things--love him for who he is but maybe he wants to do more activities with you. Why not suggest something fun like a winter bbq or a winter fire or go sledding--


Build a snow man--snowball fight!


Or if now do the same without without the snow--but not a grass/dirt fight. LOL

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He doesn't think hes good enough for you.


You're saying the right things--love him for who he is but maybe he wants to do more activities with you. Why not suggest something fun like a winter bbq or a winter fire or go sledding--


Build a snow man--snowball fight!


Or if now do the same without without the snow--but not a grass/dirt fight. LOL


thanks,funny answer! but the thing is we've been together for two years,and we're thinking about living together,and we spend a lot of time together,he's also my best friend. but his behaviour is the same from the begging of the relationship. it was flatering at first ,but now i think i really had enough. i know i can't change him,so what can i do?

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Just talk to him--ask him why he is the way he is. Why does he feel how he does?


Just hope he opens up to you and doesn't lie to you..


that is very hard to do. he's very reserved with his feelings,and we trouble having an open conversation. he hates conflicts,so we usually avoid communicating about things i know would upset him. we talk about other things a lot,but we barely discuss us and things like this. i talk with others about it, and then i try to DO it with him,rather then TALK with him about it. that's how it is when a guy is shy and a girl pretty open.

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