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Asking for the truth over time?

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I has been 2.5 months still feeling it the girl i loved left me and now i am thinking it was because of another man, he was introduced to her friends yesterday and i heard about it today, i had been trying to win her back until today, NC let her move on and this guy is no rebound because of how long they have known each other. I want closure but i don't know if i should ask we are somewhat on friendly terms well she thinks so anyway. She was my best friend i was going to ask her to marry me the betrayal hurts deep i am thinking about asking for the truth now that she has moved on though i am still struggling. I was suppose to meet her for drinks today but when i found out she had a bf i kinda freaked and canceled she does not know that i know. I thought i was making progress in winning her back after NC but now i don't have a chance time to move on.

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Chipchuck, I know exactly how you feel. My ex left me for another girl, but couldn't even tell me the truth that he was and I had to find out the hard way. It would have been so much easier and better if he would have been honest during the break up...and I would love to know the truth as to why he couldn't tell me then. I was going to fight for him, but there is no point now and I just wish I knew how to let it go and forget that he ever happened to me.

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The truth will not set you free in this case. You need to let it go. The guy she is with is much older and in a position of authority...she finds that exciting. This is not about you...this is about her. Asking her won't change things and you may not get an accurate reason...remember that she will try to justify her choice of running after someone who is older and in a perceived position of authority so she is not going to say anything to put herself down, she will just criticize you. Don't bother asking...just know where you can improve in your life based on your own self-reflection.

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She will never tell you the truth. Dumpers don't tell the truth, they tell lies to make us and themselves feel more comfortable with their decision. Anyways, it's not like the truth would help you anyways. Just try to forget about her...easier said than done, I know.

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so i saw her today at school she was a * * * * * to me, asking about more items at her place and mine, i just told her to toss my stuff and when i find hers ill send it to her. and now she is fighting with me on facebook, i am so done but yeah i keep responding not like it could get any worse. i feel better now that i am sorta mad at her.

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