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Clearing and Completing Past Relationships Energetically

Completing in the Highest of Ways


One of the most important things to focus on is clearing past karmic relationships, and completing all past relationships in the highest of ways. Most people do not realize that when you have a relationship with someone your energetic systems become connected. These often manifest as energetic cords, which are attached to one or more chakras of both people. So if a relationship ends, the energetic relationship is still there. And even though you may be physically separate now, you're still very much connected to them energetically. So the same energy dynamic is going on, even though consciously you may think the relationship is completed. This can drain your energy and pulse your emotionally body, depending on where the cords are located.



It is very important to complete each relationship in the highest of ways and to remove any energetic cords that are attached between you and the other person. What do I mean by completing in the highest of ways? Well, let me give you an example of NOT completing in the highest in ways. Let's say that you are in a very abusive, controlling relationship with someone. And then one day you decide that you have had enough and that you are going to leave. But you did not tell the other person and you just disappear. You are so angry and hurt that you just do not desire to even see that person again. So, you are carrying all of the hurt, grief, and past emotion of this relationship and are now holding a grudge against that other person.


Now, does this grudge you are holding hurt you or the other person more? It will affect YOU more, of course. And all of the traumatic experiences that you created in this relationship will then be carried in your cellular memory and on to your next relationship. So then you will have a tendency to project onto your new relationship all of this anger and hurt from the past one. Now, is this fair to the new person in your life?


Often these cycles continue over and over and the person is not aware of why their relationships fail. The more experiences that they create from this, the more solidified the energetic blockages become, and the more they will affect that person’s health and well-being. So one of the things that I found very important is thinking about all of your past relationships and the ones that were not completed in the highest of ways. Then what we do is call up all of the karmic ties that were created from these past relationships, which are often love-hate relationships, and remove all energetic attachments in the Karmic Session. In this way, we truly disconnect you from these people, and then it is important for you to focus on connecting to that person and sending them gratitude, compassion, and completion. In other words, consciously connecting to the other person and saying “We are completed now. Thank you for the experience and the learning. I wish you all the love and best on your path”.


In this way, the person will not be brought back into your life later to resolve this, or you won’t have to resolve this in a future lifetime. Some of the most common relationships that are important to focus on are often those in our own genetic family: mother/daughter, father/son, husband/wife, past friends, past lovers, past abusive relationships, and relationships with employers. When we clear the karmic ties between you and your family members, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have a relationship with them anymore. It just means that your relationship will evolve from a karmic or codependent one, into a relationship or union of higher love and understanding.



This is especially important with karmic relationships. Most relationships are not based on higher love, they are based on past karma, imprints, religious societal expectations, or codependency. This means that the relationship is usually based on chemical, controlling love rather than higher giving love with no expectations. A true union is when you can love the other person and not expect anything back from them in return, and allow them to be who they are. In this way, you have two people who are truly whole, and not just trying to extract what they feel that they lack in themselves from the other person. And they are also not trying to constantly change the other person.



Oftentimes, our soul will bring into our lives people whom we've had a karmic relationship with in the past so that we can finally resolve this and move on. It is very common for some of our worst enemies from past lives to actually incarnate into our own family or come back into our lives as a future spouse. This is giving us the chance to finally resolve those past unresolved experiences or heal hatred, and own this as wisdom. So that our soul can close the chapter on these and we can finally move on.



A Karmic Session focusing on removing past karmic ties between you and another person is very helpful. It allows you to finally complete with that person in the highest of ways. This is what is causing people to have to come back again and again - to resolve these past experiences. Once these cords are removed between you and the other person, you are able to retrieve back Golden soul fragments into your field, which actually represent pearls of wisdom. It allows you to become more whole so that in your next relationship you do not feel the need to try to extract love, compassion, forgiveness or mercy from another person and recognize that you have everything within. It also allows you to reclaim your power and let go of guilt, which is the great blocker to joy, self-love, and being able to truly embody your Higher self.



So please think about all of your past relationships that have been left undone, and when you schedule your Karmic Session, please specify in the Notes section of the appointment whom you desire to complete with. If there are many relationships to work on, then I suggest the Clear the Slate program to address these, as there are often many, many layers that have to be removed and this is often quite intense. You can read more about this at link removed






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"So please think about all of your past relationships that have been left undone, and when you schedule your Karmic Session, please specify in the Notes section of the appointment whom you desire to complete with. If there are many relationships to work on, then I suggest the Clear the Slate program to address these, as there are often many, many layers that have to be removed and this is often quite intense.


This is my favorite part. That's what ena is for me, my own personal "Clear the Slate" program.

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