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"the stand" by stephen king


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Well I can thoroughly recommend it. It's epic in scope, and is a great "end of civilisation" story. Stephen King writes a great story, if you like this he has plenty more you might like. Hope you enjoy it.


Ok, i will go buy this book this Saturday. Are most of his books concerned with horror and science fiction? I read some infomation about stephen king on wikipedia and it says his books are about horror or something. Is it very thrilling to read his books? what other books written by him would you recommend? thank you.

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I agree with Portage that his older work is better. I haven't been able to read any of his books written in the past 4-5 years. I think I read he used to do a lot of drugs and alcohol. I hate to say it, but that may have made his writing better.

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His older work is much better in my opinion.


I loved The Talisman (Fantasy/Thriller) and Salems Lot (horror) These books i read years ago, but i recently reread The Talisman - Loved it again the second time around.


ok thank you. I've jotted these two books down and will look for them when i go to the bookstore this weekend.

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I agree - the older stuff is better. I stopped reading King's stuff in the early 90s. His stuff is horror, yes.


I liked Cujo, Christine, Pet Sematary. Cycle of the Werewolf was a favorite - it scared me


well, for older stuff, did you mean "Carrie; Salem's lot; and the shinning"? I am going to borrow these books from my local library also.

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Yeah, I would recommend Salems Lot, It, and Pet Semetary. And if you have a lot of time (and money probably), you could try the Dark Tower series. There are 7 books in total, I really enjoyed it, but it's not for everyone I guess. If you like his other books give it a shot.

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Yeah, I would recommend Salems Lot, It, and Pet Semetary. And if you have a lot of time (and money probably), you could try the Dark Tower series. There are 7 books in total, I really enjoyed it, but it's not for everyone I guess. If you like his other books give it a shot.


thanks fisherking. i bought two books of SK last night, "the stand" and "Gerald's game". As for Dark Tower series, i only found three books on the bookshelf. It's not a complete set. I think i will begin "Gerald's game" first and then "the stand" because "the stand" is a real long story. I haven't read SK's books before. I know most of you love their books a lot. Thanks for the recommendation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just checked this after a week or so to see how you'd got on. Geralds Game isn't one of my favourite King books. I hope you enjoyed it, but if you didn't, please don't let it put you off reading The Stand, it's way better. If you've got time, let us know how you enjoyed them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
yup I've read it. It's a bit slow to start off with and then it gets more interesting. It's weird because when I was reading it I didn't find it scary at all, yet I kept having nightmares about the dark man lol.


I have brought the stand and some other books by SK. I feel guilty that i haven't embarked on starting reading it. Right now i am just beginning reading Salem's Lot which i borrowed from the library. Thanks for sharing the stand with me. I know it is absolutely an amazing book by SK. I finished reading Carrie the other day and found it quite good and i have to say that i love it! Thank you!

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