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Advice during counseling


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My girlfriend and I started couples counseling this week. We are constantly tense with each other in the mean time. I am asking the following:


1. Has anyone here had any real success in couples counseling?

2. Does anyone have any words of wisdom as to how to behave while we are going through this phase?


Since we are bringing up issues, our problems are in the fore front. I think this leaves us on edge (esspecially her) during normal hang out times. We arent spending loads of time with each other, and everything seems so fragile. Does anyone have any advice as to how to act? I want to help things feel a little more stable and positive. Right now it seems the majority of our time meant for relaxation is spent tense and other time is spent talking about our problems. Counseling is only so often, and I would like to bring this up there, but it will be another week or so before we are back in there!


Thanks for listening.

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My girlfriend and I started going to couples counseling and we both think its working pretty well. One important thing to remember is that you get what you put in. Being in a relationship is work and it takes two to make it work. I believe that if both of y'all go in it wanting to improve your relationship and actually incorporate what you've learned in your sessions, things will get better. Don't go in the sessions expecting fast results, you are going to be really disappointed if you do. I really love my girlfriend and AM In love with her as well and although we've just started going to these sessions, I believe that the more we go the better off we'll be. Just remember...It can't hurt y'all, it can only help.

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