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It's my birthday and she is on my mind :(

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I have been in complete NC for about 2 weeks and the last time I talked to her I asked her to not contact me for any reason unless she wanted to talk bout us/reconcile.


Well today is my birthday and I guess im selfish but I am sad that I didnt even get a text msg saying happy birthday. I know it doesnt change anything but I thought she would think about me enough to text me.


I guess its for the best though, just sucks that I still think of her on my bday...

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Hang in there brotha! I was fresh off a breakup and got hit with the phonecalls and texts on my Bday from my ex who left me. I ignored 4 calls and was anxious all day. I finally decided to call her back... and guess what? All she had to say was "happy birthday." It didnt make me feel any better, and probably set me back. Weve been broken up for over a month now, and Ive been NC for 2 weeks... and guess what... I feel great! Much better than when I was in LC waiting for her to take me back. I ignored her last text, I have the upper hand now, no one controls my happyness but me!


You will get through it... your lucky she didnt text you... it would screw with your head even worse.

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My ex broke up with me 3 days prior to her birthday. I could not text/call her because she had just ripped my heart out. Come to find out, it ripped her apart that I did not wish her a happy bday. Oh well, the time wasn't right. Plus she had got her gift before we broke up.....DOH


My birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks and I am wondering the same thing. I want her to wish me happy birthday, but if she doesn't, oh well. Moving on, trying not to think about it much. Don't beat yourself up...


Oh yeah, Happy Birthday!

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Hey Pharmer,


I'm sure she was probably thinking of you. You did ask for her not to contact you for any reason except to talk about getting back together. If she had contacted you to only wish you a Happy Birthday, it may have ultimately made you feel worse then no contact at all. She may be just respecting your wishes.


After breaking up with someone, these types of events are difficult. Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and yes, even sad events where you may want to reach out to them or have them reach out to you. The hard part is that, this person is no longer one of your life lines, so to speak. In order to get over each other and really move on, you do need to look for kudos and comfort from other sources. The expectations associated with these events and the other person have to be let go.


I have been where you are and it is hard. I just didn't contact my guy on his birthday recently. It seemed sad and also oddly rude, but, necessary.


Hang in there, and, by the way. Happy Birthday!

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I was once where you were. I turned 21 in November. She texted me happy bday, I found out she cheated on the same day. Nice huh? I changed my number and over 2 months of NC. I'm burning, but it's better than her hurting me. I'm just dealing with my own suffering, but at least I'm healing and not on day 1.


It doesn't matter what she thinks. It's over. Take her not contacting you as a blessing, be glad that she is not stringing you along.


It's going to be tough. I had 2 weeks off for Christmas and all I had was time to think.


Happy belated birthday and hold on to hope to be the happiest mofo on the planet.

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