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it's no big deal, but i'm annoyed anyhow!

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as i said, it's NO big deal at all, so i don't know why i care... but i'm annoyed, 'cause i think it's rude...


thing is, my best friend jon, and i, are best friends.... and we're also best friends with jess... so basically, we're 3 best friends.. lol


ok, so here goes... i call up jess, and text her and stuff, so she knows where we are, when we're in town, so she can come visit us (keep in mind, she told me she might come to town with us). thereforeeee, when we go somewhere else from where we usuaslly meet up, i text her and tell her....


she then calls jon on his phone telling him she's not coming...


it's always me trying to organize things, but it's jon she tells whether she's coming or not...


as i said, no big deal, but it's irritating...

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i know you feel snubbed but if the end goal is to be together isnt that enough? but i know the feeling i used to be the planner but felt sometimes like others were more important.


If you are best friends, you could say something. make it simple like: "when i try to organise something for the 3 of us its easier if i know your plans, when you call jon theres a time delay for me." be funny about it dont make it a big, deal, if shes a friend she will respond well to it.

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