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To start from the beginning… Me and my ex girlfriend got together and quite quickly it turned into love. We where together for nearly 2 years in which I was never allowed out with my friends and she was very possessive so thereforeeee forced to break up with her. She was devastated and begged me back. After a while I got back with her but then we broke up as we never saw each other. She then started to see someone else I then begged her back and she dumped her new bloke and came back to me but then we broke up again (my fault completely). This happened yet again. We where still kind of texting each other and going out to the cinema and shopping until we had a massive argument one night in which I tolled her that I didn't love her any more (November) which wasn't true but I needed to get out of this silly rut. Over Christmas I was a typical ex and rang her when drunk. She began to tell me that I couldn't keep doing this and that she was seeing someone else. At this now I have began to realise that I truly love her. I know I was a nasty person to her and that I have begged her back twice then broke her heart all over. I thought I could let her go but all I feel is this gut wrenching feeling so I decided to tell her. She said she was seeing someone else and had moved on but when asked if she still loved me and thought about me she said yes a lot to both. I did a lot of begging but she said she has heard it all before and that she couldn't go through it or wouldn't risk her happiness. I tried to prove to her I did mean everything I said. I think now I have annoyed her because after I sent her a bunch of flowers on valentines, I text her but got annoyed when she started talking about her new bloke (been together roughly 2 months) re-asked her if she still loved me and her reply was….. I don't think I do, I am with someone else now sorry. When asked could we not give it another go she replied I am happy and not risking that. She has toled me though the relationship is not serious. During all this I have been out on dates but none of them have come to anything because I have not wanted them too. Now is she testing me to see if I do mean what I say? In which do i carry on trying to text her? As she wont go out for a drink or anything as she said my feeling will get in the way. I got a new number and gave it to a mutual friend, my ex ended up getting it and texting me asking if I was going to give it to her. I replied you seem to have said what you want and I don't have a chance so I was having a fresh start. She said she wouldn't text me ever again. But in the morning I had a text from her, when asked why she was texting me she said she wanted to be friends. What does this mean? Does she really not love me anymore as a week ago she said she still did? How can I go about getting her back? I know that all of this is due to my own fault!

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Stop playing games with each other. neither one wants the other when you have them, why? you both take for granted that the other is there when they are and then beg to have that back when they are gone.


you have to decide if this is what you really want and not just lonely and missing what you "thought" you had, and then decide if you can really commit to her yourself.


the game you are playing is called "catch me" feels horrible on this side doesnt it? but you have both played it on each other quite a bit. and the pain you both have dished out is significant. I would stop and ask yourself is this truly worth it. you have to start here before you can ask how to get her back.


I know you are hurting i dont mean to be unsympathetic but everything you are saying shows that you have had her and then didnt want her.

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