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A simple title for a simple thread. During my almost 2 years as a member, I have read several threads about people taking the initiative to get healthy and lose weight. I always read with great interest, everyone's struggles and success stories and so many times I wanted to chime in but I knew in my heart I wasn't ready to commit.


That has changed. I won't call it a New Year's resolution because I don't really believe in them, I prefer to call it 'my commitment to living'. I know with proper mental discipline I can achieve my goal of losing weight and feeling healthier. I accomplished that 5 years ago when I lost almost 50 lbs by healthy eating and daily exercise. I never looked or felt better. I decided it's time to take action and I have already begun. I look forward to posting positive updates.


*to my grandbabies, this is for you, so grandma can play with you until I tire you out!

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Thanks everyone! I'm very excited. I started taking my vitamins again. Drinking lots of water, have cut way back on my soda intake. Shouldn't be too hard to cut the soda completely out, I did that that last time as well. Didn't touch it for over 2 years!


I used to be such a girly girl, nails, hair, and endless cosmetics and I really just let myself go over the years. I am proud to say that I finally got my nails done and I am going to clean out the linen closet where I keep my makeup so that I can organize everything and get back to wearing all my good stuff.....I sooo much want to be a girly girl again. Just thinking about that makes the drive to want to continue so much stronger. YAY me.

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metro, way to go!!!! Losing weight and losing my appetite from being sick has made me want to CONTINUE to (no, not be sick) cut back on my eating.. I think it's great you're ready to start.


And screw "new years resolution". I hate that term.

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I am glad to hear of your plans. I am on the opposite path right now and I am trying to gain weight. I am also eating more healthy and working out more. I have also cut out all soda except for on a rare occasion. At one time in my life I drank over 2 gallons a day when I was working two 8 hour jobs and slept very little. Cutting out the soda has made gaining weight a little more difficult but I want healthy weight not pure sugar.

If you cut out all soda like I did you will see your metabolism change and more unwanted fat will be burned.

I am sure by the time summer gets here you will be well on your way to the person hidden inside.


keep us posted



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I haven't weighed myself, truth be told I haven't even bought a scale yet. Not that it matters at the moment because it is too soo as I just started on this journey. I will say that this morning my jeans didn't seem as tight. Maybe I'm not retaining water today, whatever the reason my jeans actually feel good!

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I haven't weighed myself, truth be told I haven't even bought a scale yet. Not that it matters at the moment because it is too soo as I just started on this journey. I will say that this morning my jeans didn't seem as tight. Maybe I'm not retaining water today, whatever the reason my jeans actually feel good!


You go girl! You bring sexy back!

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You go girl! You bring sexy back!


Aww, thanks.....It feels good to have the support of all my girls here.


I was talking with someone else a little while ago and I was telling her how I miss the gym, I used to go faithfully and I would always hit the steam room. I had such great looking skin back then. I certainly hope I can get back to the gym soon. (no car, HOPEULLY next month)

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Wearing a different pair of jeans today......they are looser.... Yes Yes Yes..... *gives myself a high five*


I think the hardest part for me right now is the quantity of food. I find that I remind myself that I don't need all that food even though I am having an internal fight with myself. My stomach and mind seem to be at odds with each other.


I am determined to win this battle.....

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I won't call it a New Year's resolution because I don't really believe in them, I prefer to call it 'my commitment to living'. I know with proper mental discipline I can achieve my goal of losing weight and feeling healthier.


You'll succeed with this goal Good luck metro!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been a while since I have written anything here. As some of you know, last week was killer for me because I was dealing the the anniversary of my dad's passing. I have been an emotional eater for a few years now and last week wreaked havoc on my attempts to stay on track. It's Monday and I am ready to start the week new and get focused again.


If any of you have any ideas or thoughts or suggestions on how to break the cycle of emotional eating, I would love to hear them.


I want this so bad.....Actually, I need this.

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Here's what I do to help me with emotional eating:


I tell myself that the food I'm about to eat will NOT solve whatever crisis I have going on. IT WILL NOT MAKE IT BETTER! I WILL EAT THE CANDY BAR AND 'XYZ' WILL STILL BE THERE! So, in addition to being upset about 'xyz', I will NOW be upset because I went off my eating plan.


Food solves NOTHING. We all need food to survive, but it NEVER solved a single problem.


I hope that was helpful hon...


I wish you all the best



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