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no contact has gone too far

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im so confused right now. I posted about my relationship problem 2 weeks ago. My boyfriend has been ignoring me for no reason at all. He often does this, but this time is the longest, and the worst. it has been almost a month of no contact. Yesterday is V-day, and he didnt even try to contact me.


Normally if he ignored me, i would try to get us talking again. But this time, i havent done so. I deleted his number from my phone. i'm so sick of this game, so i sort of gave him up. All i'm asking now is why is he doing this to me? (okay...silly question, i know)


This is not the first time, last time it happened, i addressed this matter to him,and told him that if he continues doing this, i would rather break up with him but he told me not to worry/ think about it, because if he doesnt love me anymore, he would tell me and break up with me in person, not ignoring. But he hasnt said any of this, so i assume we're still "together". yet there has been no contact whatsoever for around 3 weeks now, not even in valentine's day.


i actually thought that he was gonna make a surprise or something, like he did before christmas. But no. i'm sooo disappointed. I wasnt expecting roses or those kinda things. i just wanted him to remember me. and treat me like a person. that's enough. i keep on thinking about his promise, and it drives me crazy.


why does he do that?i dont have any desire to come back to him ever again, but the thing is, i seriously dont wanna regret knowing him in the first place. because right now, i feel like he is worst than any of God's creation in this entire universe. i used to think that to be a human species is supposed to at leeaaassssttt have some brain....and some heart....so it should never be this way. i guess i was wrong?


right now, i'm kinda like "was i really THAAAATTTTT stupid that i couldnt see it coming? was i thaaaattttttt naive of letting him into my life?" i just...i dont wanna feel this way anymore....can someone please help me? this feeling is putting me down, i feel so much like a retarded. and i hate it.


i'm sorry for such a long post, i just have to take this thought out of my chest, for now and forever.

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i wouldnt feel stupid, trust me it only makes you feel stupid. really. The point is what do YOU want? if he hasnt called it is a little strange, i dont know the real answer some people can have long distance and no contact relationships for a long time, and you have allowed this in this relationship so for the most part it seems normal.


But are you happy about that? i think you need to define your comfort level here and then issue terms to him, but be prepared that if he is distant anyway it may be a long time or never that he comes around to what you want.


i dont know the whole answer here but it seems kind of lame to blow you off completely and not even call for VD.


My take on it? let him go you could do a lot better. dont kick yourself, take his beahviour as "not available" and change it to you "not available" and move on. go out, have fun, do hobbies, etc.


keep me posted. i hope you get some clarity.

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