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pleasing my gf while avoiding vagina


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another thing is she seems hesitant to do things like put her hand up my shirt and what not. she seems to be making an effort to but then she hesitates. do i just straight up tell her go for it or do i guide her hand...


Guiding her hand is hot. At least, for me it is.


But, I have to ask...how old are you two and what are her reasons for waiting?

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bubble bath, where you can rub her down with a soft wash cloth everywhere


followed by a sensual massage using natural oils...Kiss her neck, shoulders, and - for a real turn on - her lower back.


Maybe try eating some food off her... or pour honey on her and suck it all off...etc. Make sure it's not something that can irritate her.

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uh, she's 17 and 18. i know, pathetic right? but this is the first relationship either of us has been in so you could imagine that i dont wanna * * * * anything up and come off as a creeper and ultimately push her away.


Well, I would just slow down for now. No need to rush anything. Be happy exploring your relationship and don't focus on the physical.


As for her being virgin, there is still plenty you can do with the vagina that would leave her a virgin in the technical and religious terms.

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uh, she's 17 and 18. i know, pathetic right? but this is the first relationship either of us has been in so you could imagine that i dont wanna * * * * anything up and come off as a creeper and ultimately push her away.


Not pathetic, just dangerous. Be careful man, just let her be in control for now. She has a bit going on in the nerves at that age. Sex education has made her guarded, so being patient will go a looooong way. Ask what makes her feel good, thats the best thing at this age.


When I was that age it was about doing "mature things" dinner dates where you dress all fancy, picnics and innocent things. That will enhance the sensual pleasures you guys enjoy. Instead of making out at home, make out in the woods, or in the mall, or at the mini golf course. Play it innocent.

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thats what we have been doin. but we get those occasional nights where things get goin and i just wanted to know what i could do. I told her that she is in control and she can stop things or make them progress, all she has to do is tell me. and so far this has worked and she keeps tellin me she likes everything we do so far. ive just run out of ideas. lol


and i meant to say she is 17 and i am 18. i dont know if everyone understood that or not.

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Damn, well bust out the grapes and a papyrus fan! She will enjoy that. HAHAHA you could even dress in an old Egyptian theme. HAHAHAHA *Wait, that might actually work for you. LOL!


haha, w.t.f. dude? thats quite the suggestion. but im tryin to keep things simple.

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any tips? i know she loves it when i lick her ear and kiss her neck but what else could i do to please her? the only thing that is off limits is her vagina.


that is like having pumpkin pie without whipped cream...that is the best part. The licking the ear is a good start....are the breastes off limits too?

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Not pathetic, just dangerous. Be careful man, just let her be in control for now. She has a bit going on in the nerves at that age. Sex education has made her guarded, so being patient will go a looooong way. Ask what makes her feel good, thats the best thing at this age.


When I was that age it was about doing "mature things" dinner dates where you dress all fancy, picnics and innocent things. That will enhance the sensual pleasures you guys enjoy. Instead of making out at home, make out in the woods, or in the mall, or at the mini golf course. Play it innocent.


you went on picnics? why does that not sound like Young-Lionel?

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