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Invasion of my privacy here by a friend, what would you all do?


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Like I said before, you might want to talk to your friend's supervisor about it. I understand that checking what employees are doing on their computers is his job, but he is blatantly abusing his power by what he is doing, and he is obviously making you uncomfortable. I'd only advise shutting everything down when you have no other options left, and right now you have a few.


Well that is the issue, he can look at all of this ENA stuff from anywhere. The fact that he found it at work has little to do with whether he will continue to look at it. Of course he will. Im not looking to get him into trouble, just to butt out or have the cajones to ask me himself if there is something he wants to know.


If you are saying that I should say something because of "other" peoples privacy in the office, I do not think he would do anything like that. Also we have all been warned of this new "training tool" now. All managers have the ability to use it, not just him so now that everyone knows we are being watched at any time, the onus is on you

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Where is the policy for this "training tool"? Just because a company makes a policy or rule does NOT mean it is legal. You have rights. If you do not want to get him in trouble then read the policy and point out to him where he is breaking it. If it does not mention what is going on then go to your H.R. department and ask them straight out if it is okay for for an I.T. person at their company to use the information they get when using the "training tool" to look into a workers personal life that is not job related.



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Well that is the issue, he can look at all of this ENA stuff from anywhere. The fact that he found it at work has little to do with whether he will continue to look at it. Of course he will. Im not looking to get him into trouble, just to butt out or have the cajones to ask me himself if there is something he wants to know.


If you are saying that I should say something because of "other" peoples privacy in the office, I do not think he would do anything like that. Also we have all been warned of this new "training tool" now. All managers have the ability to use it, not just him so now that everyone knows we are being watched at any time, the onus is on you


Still, the fact that he initially learned about this at work, and that he is your co-worker, can still cause him some trouble. Like lostandhurt pointed out, most companies, if not all, companies have some kind of technology/computer use policy, and im pretty sure what he is doing is breaking a few clauses in there about non work-related personal information. No matter if he's doing it outside of work, he can still get into trouble at his job. And maybe asking him upfront is what you need to do, since you don't want to get him into trouble. And maybe when you do so, point out the fact that if the company somehow found out he was doing it, he might lose his job.

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I have had extensive training on this stuff. Unless you work for the government or a defense contractor there is a big problem here. The place where you work actually has to document how often they refresh their I.T. staff about this very kind of thing and if they don't it shows (in court) that the company did not take employees rights seriously.


Go slow and learn what your rights are. If this person is a friend then give him an opportunity to stop before it gets ugly.


best wishes



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Where is the policy for this "training tool"? Just because a company makes a policy or rule does NOT mean it is legal. You have rights. If you do not want to get him in trouble then read the policy and point out to him where he is breaking it. If it does not mention what is going on then go to your H.R. department and ask them straight out if it is okay for for an I.T. person at their company to use the information they get when using the "training tool" to look into a workers personal life that is not job related.






I can assure you that he knows full well what he is doing is completely & utterly wrong. I know that he has viewed this site b/c he has said things to me that I have ONLY posted here. Other than that I really have no way of proving anything. He does not display this weirdness (for lack of a better term) with anyone else. So for all intents and purposes I am just taking all of that away. If for any reason I felt he was doing this to harass or snoop on any one but me, I would be the first one to management.

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But it can be proven if they check his activity.


I have a question: If you will stand up for others if he was doing it to them, then why won't you stand up for yourself?


Do this one thing for me please. Go to your H.R. person and ask them a hypothetical question in regards to this. Just ask what would happen if someone used this traaining tool to access information about an employee and then used that information to snoop on that employee after hours on other sites.


Information is power and some people let the power control them and they do things they wouldn't normally do. You are a victim here and he is taking control of your life from you.


I know this is a difficult thing. I was in a similar situation being harassed by a very high up female Superior. Sorry if I got a little riled up. I stood up for myself and so can you.



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Lost, it's ok I understand where you are coming from. This person is a friend that I have had for over 7 years. His sister is one of my very best friends and I am very close with his family. We go to functions, have all the same friends, go camping, lake trips etc.... and have for many years. This is not someone who I met at the office and is cyber stalking me. He is someone who let a long standing crush get the better of him and acted stupidly.


But with that being said, I can 99.5 % say its only me he has done this too & as you said, if I ever got wind that he had done this to anyone else I would come forward. That has never been his MO so to speak.

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Being a friend makes it worse in my opinion. I hope you don't let this stop you from coming here. I was raised to stand up to bullies and if you couldn't take them yourself, get a few of your buddies to help.


I can't believe he is risking the friendship like this. I wish you well.


If you need any help you can PM me so he can't see it.



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Being a friend makes it worse in my opinion. I hope you don't let this stop you from coming here. I was raised to stand up to bullies and if you couldn't take them yourself, get a few of your buddies to help.


I can't believe he is risking the friendship like this. I wish you well.


If you need any help you can PM me so he can't see it.




Thanks Lost I really appreciate it. That is the funny thing he would never be classified as a bully, but he defintately does have very deep insecurity issues which definitely drive me batty at times.


And yes, he is risking the friendship, but im sure he thought he was smart enough not to get caught...

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