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Made a bad decision, now stuck and upset

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So I have a little bit of a dilemma, and I just need to ask a small question. What do you do, when you've found yourself in a situation where you can't stand where you work?


In other words, I made yet another, really really bad decision.


I used to work at a place where I thought it was the worst in the world. But I had freedoms when the bosses left. It was customer service, which I hate, but there were very few calls after 7pm, and my direct boss was a very awesome guy so I could do whatever. The pay was a little less than what I make now but it was livable, as overtime was somewhat available. But my mind was so focused on money and getting out of there I didn't see it for what it was. Now I'm in a place that is not very good. it's worse than where I was. The pay is a tad better, and I mean a tad. The people suck, it's huge, and I hate the way we're talked to. Basically, it's a regular call center. I don't know how much longer I can take this, every day I feel like running, fleeing from this place, literally. I have to keep myself from thinking anything outside from what I'm doing with customers or I'll start crying and quit. I can't just up and quit as you and I know the job market is terrible, finding something with just my customer service skills is going to lead me back to just that, customer service. I need to get out and I don't know what to do. Any advice before I end up snapping and going insane?

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Yes, my first suggestion would be calling where you used to work and see if they might want you back.


If that doesn't work, then start immediately looking for a new job. I've had jobs that sounded fine at the interview, but that turned out horribly. Either the boss was a jerk, or the job or company was not represented to me correctly in an interview.


I had one job where i interviewed at a lovely building, and the offices were very nice, the people very pleasant etc. They even invited me before i joined to an elegant Christmas party that was catered and served by waiters with food on silver trays, very posh.


So i thought i was going to join a place with a great office, wonderful place to work that treated their employees very well.


When i showed up for work the first day, i asked where my office was and was shuffled to someone else who told me they had to get me 'on site' by 10 a.m. It turned out they neglected to tell me i'd be working at a customer's location, in the basement of a building jammed in a two person office with SEVEN other people and one telephone. My commute went from 10 minutes to 1.5 hours each way because of where the client was located.


I lasted only 6 weeks in that job because i immediately began looking for a new one, and was furious that they'd misled me about where i would be working. The executives sat in that very nice building (their HQ), but all their employees got shipped out to these customer sites that were often terrible.


So don't feel bad if it turned out wrong for you, it happens to everyone at least once. Just see if you can get your old job back, or immediately start looking for work.


If when you're interviewing they ask why you're leaving so quickly, just tell them that the job turned out to be very different than what you expected based on the interview, and it is not something you are interested in. They understand that that happens sometimes.

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I am not sure now, the anger and frustration that I feel whenever I get here, is worse than it was at the old job. But, maybe it's just me? I don't want to just up and leave a position and go to an even worse one like I just did. I'm afraid that since I didn't seem to "learn my lesson" the last time and I am regretting my job change, that I'll do the same if I should leave this one. It's like almost every job I was at I regret leaving, and I'm so afraid I'm just going to go off to one that's worse.


It feels like it's possible that it's just my stupidity that's making me feel like this is the worst place in the world and I should just sit here and take it. I mean, yes I do hate the customer service industry, but at this point the only other thing I can do is draw. I can't just draw for a living (not without a degree and friends in high places), should I just sit and take it here? Maybe get some... "medication" to make me mellow out while I'm here?

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Have you considered getting a degree online? People can stand some pretty crappy jobs if they know they are just temporary while they are working on training for a job in a better career.


You can get 4 year degrees 100% online these days if you don't have a school near you. A college degree (or a technical degree in something like plumbing etc.) opens the door to higher paying and more interesting jobs.

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Is there a such thing as data entry anymore?


I used to have a job where basically I was an underwriter, typing up forms for people buying houses. That was a great job as I only had to call someone when I couldn't read something, which was rare, and I was able to not be on the phones at all. That was in my home state (which I'm not in anymore), do jobs like that even exist that pay enough for someone to live?


Basically I ask because I've been doing call center work for too long and I need to get out. Now. I'm not sure though what else I can do. Receptionists do basically the same thing, but in a small space. So I don't want to do that. I'm not sure with customer service skills, what else I could possibly do. Any suggestions?

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Is there a such thing as data entry anymore?


I used to have a job where basically I was an underwriter, typing up forms for people buying houses. That was a great job as I only had to call someone when I couldn't read something, which was rare, and I was able to not be on the phones at all. That was in my home state (which I'm not in anymore), do jobs like that even exist that pay enough for someone to live?


Basically I ask because I've been doing call center work for too long and I need to get out. Now. I'm not sure though what else I can do. Receptionists do basically the same thing, but in a small space. So I don't want to do that. I'm not sure with customer service skills, what else I could possibly do. Any suggestions?


A whole lot of things. What your experience with customer service skills really translates to is good communication skills, which is vital for a lot of different jobs out there. If you are good with customers, than you are also good with fellow employees (at least, the assumption is there). I would cast a wide net out there in the job market and see what kind of responses you can get. It can't be any worse right? I would suggest trying link removed under their job sections for someone like you. I know I have seen some data entry stuff under there before. I definitely think data entry is still prevalent and you could probably find it if you tried hard enough. Good luck!

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Have you tried getting a job at a bank? You could use your customer service skills, and you do do other administrative and clerical work such as processing paperwork etc., so you might enjoy it.


The funny part is I had to go to the bank to get my pin# changed on Saturday. So I'm in there, talking to the customer service lady, and I look around. It's a small office area (which I like, I hate huge offices where there's waaay too many people), you don't talk to people after people after people with a talk time and a handle time and a "we want you to have great quality with people but make sure you get off the phone asap or we'll dock your pay" type of attitude. I think, that it may be a good idea to work for the retail side of the bank. I work at the bank now, but in the customer service department in a huge 5 story building with thousands of people in it. I bet, I could take that and work in the actual bank.

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There is a big difference between working in a bank branch (which usually has less than 10 people employed) and work in a large customer service tank environment.


So you should apply for bank branch jobs where you work inside the small bank branches themselves. Your current bank experience might be helpful in finding that job!

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Well the crap that is my life just keeps getting crappier. Looks like I just failed and am now officially kicked out of college. Again.


How about I just go get a gun, put it in my mouth and do everybody a favor and pull the damned trigger? I swear I am the most worthless person on the face of this planet, no reason to be here whatsoever, can't do anything right, have a * * * * ty job, crappy car, crappy apartment and don't make any money. Now I can't even learn correctly and am stupid.

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There is always community college and then you can try a 4 year college later on.


By the way, it is entirely possible you are just in the wrong major for you. Maybe you just aren't a good match for that program.

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There is always community college and then you can try a 4 year college later on.


By the way, it is entirely possible you are just in the wrong major for you. Maybe you just aren't a good match for that program.


I'm not sure what to do anymore. Do I just go and do some trade just to get out of customer service and make some money or do I go after my passion? I went after my passion the first time and I fail. So I guess I just answered my own question.

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