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Is there more to this.....


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I have a couple of friends at work, and we e-mail each other. The guy in our group is very cool. I would consider us (3) very close. Well anyway, he always uses little endearments with us, like honey, baby, sweetie, or sunshine. One day I had to get up the next morning and I was talking with him and I told him about this, well the next morning he texted me and said good morning sunshine, are you awake? He has in the past let me know when he is leaving work or what he is doing. I would consider this him just being considerate with a friend, until recently when he had to go out of town for a few days, well during the time he was gone, our other friend email him, as well as me, and he responded to my email almost as soon as he got back into town and said, honey I'm home. He did not however respond to our other friend for a couple of days, even though me and him emailed during this time. I asked our other friend if he let her know that he was back in town, ie by telling her the same thing he has told me, but he didn't. So my question is......is there more feelings (romantic) for me from him as compared to our other friend? I don't know how guys act when they miss a girl, especially when they are friends with them. How do you tell if it is just friends or more than friends feelings? Thanks for the advice.

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Hi talk2me519,


It's a little tricky when dealing with guys like that, as their generous takeaways of "honey, darlin, sweetie or sugar" could easily mislead folks down the wrong freeway.


I believe that you will find no peace till you ask him that dreaded question first. Let him know that you'd like to find out more about your status in this relationship. A good colleague? More than a friend? Someone he want to date? Get to the bottom of it gal!


You could also let him know that you are a tad uncomfortable with those "sweet nothings" if his stand is that you folks are just colleagues.


Take it away now!

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Well im a guy, and he sounds like a great guy, if you find a guy that is generally sweet like he is, you better try to get him. Because there are few of us. Maybe you should try some physical contact with him. Because girls dont know that guys really notice, if a girl brushes up against them while they walk by, or like if he cracks little jokes and while your laughing you grab on to his arm or shoulder saying "oh thats too funny", maybe dont say anything corny like that but u know what i mean. But if you are interested in him, you should really try to raise your "flirtacious" level. See how he responds to that, because there might be a chance that he is just a good friend, and says stuff like that because he is comfortable with you and wants to make you feel happy in any way. I know I am a good guy and do say those things with a couple of my good girl friends just to try to make them happy and feel good about themselves. The best long term, faithful, and most rewarding relationships usually start with a great friendship foundation.

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