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should i listen to him or his friends? PLEASE HELP


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i was with this guy..no relationship though..for about 2 months.

we were both on the same page..had conversations about where things were going. he said eh really liked me and just wanted to take things slow and see how htings worked out. about 2 weeks ago we talked again andhe said he erally liked me and just does not want a relationship and hates rushing things. the guy has never had a girlfriend before..and is a virgin(as i am, which he knows). he doesnt know how to handle situations with himself and a girl very well and would often get nervous and ignore me or not want to talk too much.


the other day we were talking about things and out of no where he said i know i wanted to try things out and thats wat i said but htings just arent working for me. this whole convo was in text. he kept saying over and over..."i wouldnt wanna do anyhting to hurt you, im sorry it came down to this"....or..."i still wanna be friend s iwth you and everything i just dont wanna hurt you and everything..id ont know its me, i dont know i just dont want to hurt you"....or..."im sorry if youre made but this is the last thing i want to do..i dont want to hurt you." SAME THINGS OVER AND OVERRRRR. basically i answered with one word answer like yea...alright...okay..becase i aws SOO upset.


i have been tlking to some of my guy friends who are very close with him and they all agree that he made a mistake and is just scared and they cant believe we are "over" as they say. they say he is going to realize his mistake, because everyone loved us together. his friend told me he just doenst kno how to handle to situation or thought of girlfriend, and he thinks the guy likes me just didnt know how to handle it.


what do you think? how should i handle this? i have not talked tohim for a week since this conversation? do i text him..try to be friends?..let him realize what he did? any pointers at all. I WISH HE WILL REALIZE HIS MISTAKE, AND HOW HE REALLY DOES LIKE ME!...face his emotions! =(



PLEASEEE HELP!!!!!!!!??sad

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I know it would be nice if his friends were right, but they cannot control nor predict his future feelings or actions. It sounds like he's scared but doesn't really want to lose you. Be friendly but not pushy or too familiar. I'm almost certain he will remain your friend at least.

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It's impossible to know, unfortunately.


I was told by my ex's friends that he'd realise he'd made a mistake and that he would come back. Six months later, aside from a ''happy xmas'' text, still nothing.


On the other hand, friend's of my friend's ex told her he'd be back to her within days of breaking up, and he was.


Who knows?


Just ride it out, and focus on yourself.

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