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She's really going too far now...


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Well...last night I packed the last of her things from the list she sent me the other night, aside from her camera cable, which I told her a couple weeks ago I don't have. It's all in a box in the back of my car. I want to start the new year fresh, so I have to return it tonight. The other night she texted her disapproval of me leaving her stuff in the lobby without her being home (there was a light on, so I knew her sister was at least there) I don't care if she's not home - if there's a light on in her window, either her or her sister's home, so I will leave the box in the lobby and text her or her sister that the stuff is in the lobby. After that I can truly begin to heal. As long as I have this stuff in my car I can't be me again.


I'm starting to eat more, too. Finally getting the appetite back, but I still feel like I'm going to throw up 24/7. I'm sick of this, literally. I want my old, boring life back where I could have time to just stop for an hour somewhere and admire God's creation in nature, instead of feeling in the back of my head like I have to be somewhere or that I have to explain something to her or that there's something I have to "take care of" for her. I'm sick of people at work asking me about her, too. I tore all reminders of her down and it's still one thing after another.

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