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Well, yesterday i went NC with my ex. I figured with the new gf, him saying he loves me but cant be with me, and the constant back and forth stuff that i should put an end to it. Ive done this before, even when he broke up with me the first time 4 months ago, he didnt stop talking to me until i enforced it.


Now, this is different. Before, there was always that hope that maybe he was miserable to, maybe he was missing me, maybe he'd contact me and want me back. And when he did a month ago, i should have taken that opportunity better, cause we got back together but i was horrible to him like he was with me for years. But now, he got a new gf less than a week of being broken up again. And i know he wont be coming back this time. PLus he moved on so fast. I know i messed up, but he did so many more times and much bigger things. I just dont understand how he moved on so fast, it kills me so bad.


I dont know if its the holiday, the fresh break up, him being with someone else, or that i just keep remembering things that have to do with him. Im a mess...i havent eaten, i sleep alot, and im very angry with everyone around me. I hate being like this, after 3 years with ups and downs, then having him come back after dumping me, its just so emotional for me. I need some help and advice

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Similar situation to me i suppose.. My gf left me for some other guy she had only known a few weeks. I had been doing LC for the past several weeks but this week i started NC.. she's messaged me 3 times and i've just had to ignore her.. even ignored her "Merry Christmas."


I dont know if this is the right thing to do because i still love her and want to get back together with her, but i'm tired of being disposable to her. If our relationship really meant that much to her then she'll soon realize her mistake.


and hey, atleast you can look forward to losing a few pounds!

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Just don't think about him!! My GF dumped me 3 weeks ago and she has a crush on another guy....that makes me SICK. But I try not to think about her! i'm sure she will soon realize that we are meant to be together...and I will get my revenge then! Hahahah!! No seriously, just focus on yourself hannah...rebound relationship are meant to fail anyways...

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Hey Hannah...things are hard for you right now but they won't be forever. Of course you can't force yourself to not think about someone who was a part of your life for so long, but you can allow yourself to think of the situation in a different light. That this was a valuable learning experience, that you've learned about yourself, you've learned about your ex, you've learned things for your next relationship, be it romantic or even just friendship. Think of the positive and there will be positive.

And do NC for yourself....to be able to take a step back from the situation and reevaluate what happened, to reevaluate yourself and the relationship. Not to make him miss you and not to get him back. Do NC for yourself!

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thanks. its just so hard...i cant stop thinking about it. not to mention they got together officially 2 days after our date...the 17th. granted, its not the same, but still. he couldnt even wait. Everything is reminding me of him...just this time last year we'd have gone ice skating with my family. Now, im going with my family...alone. It hurts so much to do things when he was once with me.

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