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My cat disappeared and I fear the worst

Double J

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Hey enotaloners,


I've been a bit sad lately, as my 10-year old cat vanished two nights ago. His whereabouts are unknown, and neither my relatives nor I could find him after scouring the area.


I fear the worst. He's never disappeared a single day since we first got him.


If something happened to him (God forbid), I think I'd prefer to be left wondering why he disappeared rather than discovering he was run over, killed by a dog, etc. The latter would induce mental pictures of how he might have suffered and I think it'd be too much to bear.


I'm keeping hope but my family and I think this doesn't bode well.


Has anyone experienced something similar with his/her pet? How'd you go about trying to find the animal?


Thanks in advance.

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I really hope your cat makes it home safe and sound. All we can do is HOPE.


Pets run out of the house all of the time. When I was a little girl, my aunts dog Cocoa got out of the house (she was only 7 mos. old) and ended up getting run over by a car. It was such a hard ordeal to go through. I will pray differently for you.

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Double J, I hope your cat makes it home safe and sound! I'd start with signs, for sure. Also a craigslist post in your area might help as well since we are all so connected to the internet now.


My mother had a Maine Coon cat growing up. She was mainly an outdoor cat. My grandmother told me once she disappeared for almost two weeks. They feared the worst, because she always returned to be fed. They looked everything, put up signs. They were about to give up, when she suddenly returned, her fur in knots and dirty. They were never sure where she ended up, but the poor thing had to get shaved (the knots were bad!) and it was winter, so furless she was trapped inside.

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About 8 months ago, one of my cats slipped out the front door without anyone noticing. She was gone for 3 days. I put out an old shirt of mine on the front porch with my scent on it, as I'd heard that could help. I also put food out there, hoping she would get hungry and come home. I walked the neighborhood with my other cat, hoping maybe he could draw her out of her hiding place. My ex-fiance found her early one morning in an overgrown field near our house. He went looking at 4am one morning, he said he knew there was a better chance that he'd be able to see her when it was dark by her eyes glowing when the flashlight hit her. He said she was just crouched in some foilage and didn't try to run when he came toward her. She has always been an inside cat and I sometimes wonder if she would have ever left that spot! I think she was just too scared to move. I hope you find your kitty!

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