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do people you date briefly, ever end up coming back?


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Just wondering..I know people get hung up on their exes who they dated for years possibly coming back to them....But just wondering if anyone ever dated someone for a few weeks or a month, it didnt work out, and then hear from them later down the road and try again...Is this rare?

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Just wondering..I know people get hung up on their exes who they dated for years possibly coming back to them....But just wondering if anyone ever dated someone for a few weeks or a month, it didnt work out, and then hear from them later down the road and try again...Is this rare?


Happened to me once. I dated this girl for 2 months or so. She was being flakey on me - wishy washy about making plans, etc. I got tired of it and dumped her. A year later, she emails me and says she misses me, so I tried with her again, and the same happened, so I just dumped her again.


I see nothing wrong with trying again. Think hard about the reasons why you split though. If you both can overcome those issues, fine. Sometimes, people will just get in touch because they miss having someone, and not because they changed at all, which was the case with this girl.

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grymoire, are you talking about the post from awhile ago about the guy who Im friends with and has always been in love with me? He is still in love with me, even though we live on the other side of the country....I dont think it will ever change...But if it does I will be happy for him...We still talk and sometimes I talk about my relationship issues and being lonely and he gets really jealous..But that is how our relationship has been...HE is a busy person and my friendship makes him happier than if he didnt have me as a friend...

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nowandzen..thats a cute story....Why didnt it work out at first? did one of you like the other more? Did you stay in contact or just move on and ran into eachother again down the road?


Reader's Digest version:


We were working at the same restaurant, and started dating. After a month or so, I was going off to college. She was not interested in pursuing an LTR, so we called it quits. I was interested in the LTR, so I had some heartache there.


In March of my sophmore year, I had a dream about her. (I have a dream thread up now) in the dream, I was trying to pick someone up in a bar, and my prospective date said someone was trying to get my attention. That someone was my ex. I didn't give it much thought at the time.


Fast forward to summer. I am back home, looking for work. I go to that same restaurant, and she is working part time. We had some sort of drawing at work, and for some reason, they didn't want to put my name in it. (can't remember why) She insists that they do, and I win. (like $25, which was worth something in those days). Since she was instrumental in my win, I suggest that we go out together and spend it. We started dating and the rest, as they say, is history.


I suppose we were the right people, but needed to wait for the right time. We were still very young.

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grymoire, are you talking about the post from awhile ago about the guy who Im friends with and has always been in love with me? He is still in love with me, even though we live on the other side of the country....I dont think it will ever change...But if it does I will be happy for him...We still talk and sometimes I talk about my relationship issues and being lonely and he gets really jealous..But that is how our relationship has been...HE is a busy person and my friendship makes him happier than if he didnt have me as a friend...


yes, the same person.. the one you know for around 7 yrs....


i am in a similar situation and could use your insight as the person on the other side of the fence..


i will probably pm you as i do not wish to sidetrack this thread...

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you dont think that bad timing would be a good reason? if they just got over a bad breakup, or were going through personal issues? Had nothing to do with it not liking eachother, just not the right time? I dunno...Ive already posted about a situation I am trying to move on from....It is complicated because this guy I liked who wasnt over his ex, well his friend really likes me....I like his friend, but not to the extent of the other guy...I dont want to get involved with his friend if there was a possibility of the other guy coming around....


Grymoire...Im leaving in a bit, but feel free to send me a pm.....I hope you arent suffering from your situation...

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Just wondering..I know people get hung up on their exes who they dated for years possibly coming back to them....But just wondering if anyone ever dated someone for a few weeks or a month, it didnt work out, and then hear from them later down the road and try again...Is this rare?


This happened to me. We are together now. I don't know how rare it is though.

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Yeah Veda...It is confusing because he isnt over his ex and Ive written on here a few times about him and got a lot of responses to stop thinking about him and move on....I have no idea if I will ever hear from him again, and if I did, it may be a long time from now....He is not close close to the guy who likes me..He is in the same circle of people but doesnt really hang out with this guy...Anyway...The advice Ive been given is to move on and date other people and dont let a crush on someone who is not calling you or wanting you hold you back...But the only person I would be half interested in, is this guy that I know really likes me and is his friend...Confusing huh..I think you are right though..I dont want to date someone Im not sure about....I might have lead him on last night a little...

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hmmm..must have meant nothing to you and maybe something to him? Or maybe after some time he thought about you and had feelings? Strange...I guess people do come around sometimes....I know all my ex boyfriends have for the most part...But really dont know about someone you havent really developed a real emotional connection too..Even though in my mind, I felt connected and to him from the get-go.

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no, it meant nothing to both of us. he just thought he was a player, he had noone at that time so he contacted me. i wasn't that dumb. we did not have real feelings for each other. i was just never mean or rude to him, so he took my kindness for weakness.

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huh, strange you dated for a month with no feelings at all? Did you have sex or act affectionate? was it all just playing a roll? Or did you go out to dinner dates and try to make something work that wasnt there?


hm, it was a long time ago, we were young, so it didn't mean much for the both of us. we were just beginning to learn about and experience the dating world. there was no sex, some affection, no real connection. we only went out a few times.

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I dated my wife for about a month. We got back together about 2 years later - been married 21 years.


LOL - I read that at first as "we got back together after two weeks" - soooooooooooo, you had only been dating for one month?? Am i missing something???

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dragon lady that sucks! God, I would not wish that on anyone..That guy has some issues..Im sorry you got sucked into it....


It's fine. It was a pretty hot night and I admit that I waited for about 2 weeks before I could convince myself that he wasn't going to call. I'm just glad I'm not in a relationship with someone who is going to bring a ton of drama to the table. Honestly, I'd rather be single.

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LOL - I read that at first as "we got back together after two weeks" - soooooooooooo, you had only been dating for one month?? Am i missing something???


Okay, here's the timeline ---


Dated for one month - 1984

NC until June 1986

Dated from June 1986 - Summer 1987

Married 1987 - present

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This happened to me. We are together now. I don't know how rare it is though.


It happened to me. My recent ex told me he "couldn't be in a relationship," because he wasn't over his previous ex, etc. and we ended up parting ways. Then, we ended up sort of seeing each other again (not having a "relationship" officially, though), and he pulled the "can't be in a relationship" crap on me again, so I cut things off. A few months later, he announced that he'd gotten back together with the ex that he said he wasn't over, and that's where we are. He is acting REALLY strangely, though, calling me, contacting me a lot more, and I am actually meeting with him today to get to the bottom of everything. I have a feeling he has stuff he wants to say, too, so it should be interesting.


Honestly, Anon, you've posted a lot about this same guy, and you've pretty much asked the same question each time. I'm not picking on you for doing that, but there really are no answers for your questions except that, yes, sometimes they DO realize they made a mistake. Sometimes they DO seek us out after they've gotten over their exes, even if we only dated them for a short time. Sometimes these things CAN work out. And, sometimes they don't. But...no one knows what will happen, and my new rule of thumb with regard to these things is that when someone says "I'm not ready for a relationship," I should BELIEVE him -- not worry about if he means "with me" or "with anyone," not worry about if/when he's coming back, etc. I should move forward, perhaps date other people if I find interesting ones, and if he decides he changed his mind down the road -- great. If not, that's OK too.


My new mantra is "there are over six billion people in the world. He was NOT the only one for me. The odds are in my favor."

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browneyedgirl..You are right..I guess things keep coming up, like him showing up at my work and me and this guy hanging out last night...If I hung out with this guy that likes me, it could cut all chances with the other guy, yet at the same time, I need to move on as though he will never come back...Everyone tells me to date other people, but honestly Im not interested in anyone else...I just suddenly want a relationship and to be close to someone like I did with him....I guess I need to find that place where Im okay being single again..But really, no sex and no b/f in over a year is hard...Especially going into the New Year discouraged that it will never happen...Browneyed..You are so right on..SOmetimes posting on here is just my little therapy, but someotimes it makes me feel worse because I know some people see the similar things I ask...And then I realize maybe I am dwelling on a situation I have no control over.....People come and go and come back and go away I guess...

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