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Pit Bulls


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Those are the main ones that scare the living deadlights out of me, no way would I get a dog, much not a pitbull. You always hear it on the news, they are well known for disfiguring kids' faces or attacking/killing adults too.


Mythical_Suicide if that dog in your avatar is a pitbull, how do you do it?? How is it that you aren't scare?

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Those are the main ones that scare the living deadlights out of me, no way would I get a dog, much not a pitbull. You always hear it on the news, they are well known for disfiguring kids' faces or attacking/killing adults too.


Mythical_Suicide if that dog in your avatar is a pitbull, how do you do it?? How is it that you aren't scare?


The media says alot of things. not all of them true. and did you know there are 23 different breeds of dogs that are mislabeled pit bulls because of their appearance?

usually if the dog isnt a pit bull the media wont touch it because its not a hot topic.

i remember a pack of border collies mauled a few people once and a great pyranese killed an elderly lady. neither of those got on CNN to my knowledge...

media bias is a dangerous thing

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Dogs can sense fear, if you act scared around them, chances increase of it becoming a self-fulfilling philosophy


You're right, I recall the time this huge black dog, rather it was a killer really was on on chains. As I was shivering and shaking it was growling even more angrily at me but it did nothing to my father. In fact it even fear my father, LOL. Now we're talking about a real man eater, had it been off the chains then I would have probably either get horribly disfigure (in which I would later on commit suicide) or be dead, same result.

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Dogs can sense fear, if you act scared around them, chances increase of it becoming a self-fulfilling philosophy


I presume this is true because you hear it so often. And if it is it really begs the question are children safe around any strange dog?


Personally, I think if people want to own breeds such as the Pit Bull, they should require to hold a license showing they have appropriate training, there should be conditions placed on their housing of the dogs ensuring no children can get inrto the enclosures and no dogs can get out and there should be conditions on their appearance in public areas (such as muzzles).


That way, the people who want them can still have them and the people who are exposed to them have some protection. Hopefully a licensing system would also weed out people who have these dogs for the wrong reasons.

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Sadly, in my neighborhood pitbulls seem to be a novelty and when that novelty wears off, the dogs are dumped on the street to terrorize others. Mind you, these dogs are not loved nor cared for. Often they are abused and used for house protection and when the dog gets crazy with one of their own they just abandon them like yesterday's garbage! By the time these dogs make it to the shelter, they are aggressive and not able to be placed in homes.

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Myth, is the second pic the same dog as your avatar, just grown up?

And btw, the third pic- that dog is gorgeous! Just like my bf's pit, Alize!


Thanks and no, it's actually her puppy in my avatar.


Those are the main ones that scare the living deadlights out of me, no way would I get a dog, much not a pitbull. You always hear it on the news, they are well known for disfiguring kids' faces or attacking/killing adults too.


Mythical_Suicide if that dog in your avatar is a pitbull, how do you do it?? How is it that you aren't scare?


Why would I be scared? My dogs are the most lovable creatures I have ever been around. You only hear about pitbulls attacking in the media because if they made a story about a lab attacking people would laugh it off. Other dogs attack just as often (If not more..) than pitbulls, pitts just have such a horrible rep because of stupid people.


As another poster said, dogs sense fear and usually react to that fear (because they are terrified of fear not because they are "aggressive") Any dog is capable of doing that.

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The problem with Pit Bulls is not that most of them are dangerous or aggressive. Many are not. But with dogs, it is not only their environment that can cause aggression. Poor breeding can also cause latent aggressive tendencies even with a dog raised in a loving home. I know this firsthand, i had a basset who was once such animal...a basset however is not quite as potentially menacing as a pit who were bred specifically to be ring dogs.


The thing is if you get a dog from a rescue that had two very aggressive parents and they were aggressive by genetics, you simply don't know if this might be passed on even if you provide a very careful loving home. This is why most rescues are very leary about adopting about pit's. It is sad for these dogs, all the way around, adn the fear that surrounds them isn't entirely unfounded.


Think about it. These dogs were specifically bred back in the day to be the leanest, strongest and most aggressive fighting machines. Thing is, many of them are not because the dogs used to originally start creating this cross were not aggressive so some of them were born very sweet. But the thing that instills fear in people is the unknown factor - a dachshund who is aggressive simply can't do the same damage that a pit who is aggressive can do. My dachshund would likely be put down if she were in the body of a large muscle machine because she is too "iffy". But she is an ankle size dog so my containing her from harm's way is pretty easy. Not as easy with a dog full of muscle.


I don't bash pits'. I think those who are in the hands of good owners and breeders are fantastic. unfortunately tho these dogs have the potential to attract very aggressive and careless owners who intentionally try to breed the most aggressive of stock and these pups get siezed and end up in the system, and sometimes very unsuspecting good owners get a puppy that grows up with a real aggressive streak. Bully owners tend to gravitate towards bully breeds. Not that ALL owners of these dogs are that way, of course. But most macho types don't want chi's or yorkies.


The basset i spoke of was one such dog. I bought her from a breeder, didn't know much about dogs back then, and no matter how loving we all were there were times he just went crazy. We had to pin him down and not let him move because he would try to bite the crap out of people....even US! But it was not that hard to pin him down as he was a pretty small basset and bassets are not really known for much strength by design. Now had he been a pit bull i know i could not have kept him because the danger would have been too great. I even did eventually rehome him because at that time i had too many friends with small children who would visit and i didn't want the liability. I found a man who owned a farm who never had many visitors who took him in and gave him a wonderful home out of harm's way.


There is a potential for any dog to have a latent aggressive gene that develops later, but all one can do with any dog is be a VERY careful and an alert on guard owner and with the case of larger dogs never get too much sense of false security by allowing it to run or be around small children you don't kjnow well because ya never know...that is true for any breed but particularly any large breed that is known to be bred for fighting and aggression> sadly, the Pit was bred originally for such purpose...for sport and fighting.


I think anyone who ever put a Pit in a ring should be horsewhipped. It is terrible what they have done and still do. The animals lose in more ways than one - the reputation these poor animals have gotten being one of them. They got the rep due to careless owners who don't care about anything but themselves and money. The owners on this thread didn't do anything to add to this reputation but sadly you all bear the brunt of what many careless and aggressive people have already done - they paved the way for these dogs to be looked at in fear.

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unfortunately tho these dogs have the potential to attract very aggressive and careless owners. Bully owners tend to gravitate towards bully breeds.


Yes and unfortunately for the genuine breeders and owners who are in it for the right reasons, on matters such as this you have to legislate for the lowest common denominator.

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Yes and unfortunately for the genuine breeders and owners who are in it for the right reasons, on matters such as this you have to legislate for the lowest common denominator.


Yes, and i happen to know a pit breeder who is the epitomy of responsible and she has spent many years trying to produce a line of dogs that are healthy with great family temperaments. But she is also realistic and knows her job of trying to educate people on these dogs is a long and hard one...but people like her if they continue will hopefully make some positive strides...I normally am anti breeding but in her case i find it just as she only produce one litter a year or every other year and it is for the sole purpose of producing pit's that have only the best of lines and she continues to try to breed out negative traits.


But the fear is not entirely unrealistic that people have because the dogs that end up in rescue have very unknow lineage.

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Yes and unfortunately for the genuine breeders and owners who are in it for the right reasons, on matters such as this you have to legislate for the lowest common denominator.


MS- do you breed pit bulls? Are these your family's dogs or your dogs?


Yes, I breed them.


5 are actually mine, the rest are "family" dogs as in my brother and others help care for them.

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Why would I be scared? My dogs are the most lovable creatures I have ever been around. You only hear about pitbulls attacking in the media because if they made a story about a lab attacking people would laugh it off. Other dogs attack just as often (If not more..) than pitbulls


Well yea it can be the case of nature v.s nurture, but still I don't trust them, fact I don't trust any dog that much, always fear them as a kid and still do for no apparent reason though. They are animals and can react to their basic instinct.


dogs sense fear and usually react to that fear (because they are terrified of fear not because they are "aggressive") Any dog is capable of doing that.


Really, I didn't know that, ok cool. Thanx for sharing that, so they basically are afraid of fear itself, now wonder they get defensive. I think one time I had this encounter with 4 median sized dogs and what saved me was looking at them with a straight face and kinda ignore them, they didn't react that much.

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Well yea it can be the case of nature v.s nurture, but still I don't trust them, fact I don't trust any dog that much, always fear them as a kid and still do for no apparent reason though. They are animals and can react to their basic instinct.




Really, I didn't know that, ok cool. Thanx for sharing that, so they basically are afraid of fear itself, now wonder they get defensive. I think one time I had this encounter with 4 median sized dogs and what saved me was looking at them with a straight face and kinda ignore them, they didn't react that much.


they say eye contact with a dog is a sign of aggression. how do you look at a dog right in the face and ignore it at the same time anyway?

and i think with the other dog you were basically saying 'i am afraid of you' and he was calling you out on that, as to where he was afraid of your father, which means you had a major hierarchy problem going on.

Chihuahuas will do the same thing, so will min pins, labs, setters, boxers, all of them. All dogs have the same potential to be very very bad based on their handling.

any large dog is going to be capable of inflicting massive damage to someone. including the 'reliable' family dogs like Labs and retrievers.

First face transplant was given to a woman who had gotten bit by her labrador. not pit. labrador.

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I currently own my second pitbull. I rescued him from a kigh kill shelter thin NYC. He is a total sweetheart. And smarter than any other dog I've ever seen. My first pit used to sleep at the foot of my ex GF's 2 year old daughters bed. There are alot of things people don't know about pits.


-They were bred for fighting, true. They were also bred to be able to be handled by their owner while fighting. Most pits will shows some kind of dog aggression, even when properly socialized. If any pit shows aggression towards people or is extremely skittish it is a very bad sign and the animal should be put down immediately to avoid a very bad outcome. Pits love people and children by nature.


-In the 40's and 50's pit where one of the most common family dogs.


-Pits are incredibly good with children as they can take alot of what younger kids can dish out and it won't bother them.


-Pits are ranked 7th in the US for attacking humans each year. Ahead of them are labs, retrievers and collies.


-Pits do not make good guard dogs because trhey are not wary of strangers by nature. They tend to great all people with love and affection.



-When a dog, of any breed, locks eyes with you he is trying to establish dominance. If you look away first the dog has assumed a higher status then you in the pack. Stand your ground and stare him down until he averts his eyes. However, remind children to never have a staring contest with any dog.

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The media says alot of things. not all of them true. and did you know there are 23 different breeds of dogs that are mislabeled pit bulls because of their appearance?

usually if the dog isnt a pit bull the media wont touch it because its not a hot topic.

i remember a pack of border collies mauled a few people once and a great pyranese killed an elderly lady. neither of those got on CNN to my knowledge...

media bias is a dangerous thing


ever take the identify a pitbull test..lol you have to pick which one out of a group of 5 is a pitbull. I think i got them all wrong..lol. That just proves that even me knowing alot, i couldnt even pick the right one on the first try.

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they say eye contact with a dog is a sign of aggression. how do you look at a dog right in the face and ignore it at the same time anyway?


You first look at it with a stern face and then act as if it were furniture, in other words, like it doesn't exist. Way better than running, had I done that, for sure they would have been all over me in seconds.


and i think with the other dog you were basically saying 'i am afraid of you' and he was calling you out on that, as to where he was afraid of your father, which means you had a major hierarchy problem going on.


Yea, it wasn't stupid, he detect it sooooo fast, but hell how was I suppost to react. Anyone would have gotten scare of a huge scary looking black dog in chains, it was one of those guard dog terrors, reminds me of those you see in horror movies.


What really sure what you meant by me having a major hierarchy problem, can you specify it??

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I heard they are illegal in some states. I think yours may be friendlier than my toy dog, she bites and growls.


LoL...I have a Rottie, she's huge but she cuddles with me and loves on me and looks mean but wouldn't hurt a fly. Then there's my little Rat-Chi....she's 4 lbs full grown and mean as a snake.


Rotts and Pits have a bad name, but its all in the way you raise them.

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Rottweiter, ok thank you for refreshing my memory, yes it had that exact color and appearances, maybe it was that.


Doesn't it gets complicated when the dog is a she?? See, like human women, they have their periods too and thus can get moody too due to higher levels of estrogen hormones.

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I don't believe for a second they are just harmless sweeties who didn't get the proper training. My cat was just sleeping on the porch, SLEEPING!, and the neighbors pit bull ran out of their yard, picked her up and throttled her to death while running around the neighborhood. One of the other neighbors tried to help and the dog turned on him! We all reported the dog to the police and she was taken away. I don't know what happened to her, and I don't care!

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