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I am throwing a Baby Shower/Celebration for my Brother...


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I am having a baby shower for my brother, he is 18 and expecting his first child, a little girl. The woman who is having his baby use to be my best friend ever. I had recently diceded not to associate myself with her in terms of friends. So, since my brother has decided to create a nursery at our home for the baby i thought that a party would be appropriate. He has no idea that we are doing this. I have been planning for about a month or so now but i have no idea what kind of games of entertainment to prepare to fit both sexes. SInce this will be teenagers, male & female & adults too. I would appreciate any ideas that can help me keep this strange crowd happy and entertained...



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Ah, you've come to the right place. I've actually thrown my fair share of baby showers for friends at work both male and female. Here are a few games for you:


Baby diaper contest



  • Dolls
  • Peanut Butter
  • Small diapers
  • Diaper wipes
  • Blindfolds


In preparation spread peanut butter on dolls butt (use chunky peanut butter for maximum effect) and put a diaper on them. At the start of the game, all participants are blindfolded. They must then remove the babies diaper, clean their butt to get the peanut butter off, and put on a clean diaper. First one done with a clean butt on the doll is the winner and gets a prize.



Bottle drinking contest



  • Baby bottles
  • Large nipples
  • Beer (or root beer if no alcohol)
    OR for best faces use Carrot Juice


This is done in pairs. One person is mom. The other is baby. Mom must feed the baby the bottle and hold it. The baby must drink the entire 8oz bottle. Mom must then burp the baby. First one to finish the bottle AND burp is the winner.


I have others if you want more.

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Those are great ideas Avman, thank you. i do have this one idea where ya buy 10 candy bars put each one in a diaper and then put it in the microwave to melt it then squish itup with a fork for maximum effect and then the guests have to guess what kind of candy bar is in each diaper and whoever gets the most right wins a prize....

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