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She smokes what??


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I met this nice woman, really good looking sista. We connect on a real intellectual and mental level but there's something that bothers me about her and I just found this out last night...


While in our conversation, she told me she occasionally smokes marijuana and has done "E" before. Now nobody's perfect and we all have done and do bad things still. But when I asked her if she had any idea of quitting her habit she told me she wouldn't. She feels that it's a stimulant just like alcohol or a tobacco product. And she was quite adamant about that.


What bothers me is the fact that it's an illegal substance, & that because she's done "E" a couple of times and still occasionally smokes "Wii" makes it seem like she's prone for further drug use. And I am not judging her, cause we all got bad habits ](*,).. but if anything, I cannot talk to a woman who does drugs. Whether it's on "occasion" or "frequently" drugs are an automatic DQ.


You're welcome to chime in if you agree or disagree...

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I don't know... either you accept it or you don't. Either choice is respectable. If it's something you feel like you could live with, go for it.. but if this is going to cause drama later on, maybe it's best to find someone drug-free. Just keep in mind she probably won't quit for you...


You seem to be pretty against it. To some people, it's "just pot" but to others, it's a dealbreaker.

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Its your standards and opinion that matters here overall. Me personally, i wouldnt date a full fledged pot hed or druggy but if it was once and a while, its just weed! I do disagree just because she has tried E and smokes once and a while does not mean she is going to try other drugs. Ive tried nearly almost every drug out there in my younger years just to see what it was like. Now the only thing i do is drink on the weekends. Doesnt make me wanna do more drugs. I wouldnt judge her that fast or easy but again its your personal preference.

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Personally cannabis is nothing to worry about. I occasional smoked with my lady, and nothing ever went wrong. You don't get much more than a buzz anyway.


It's not like shes shooting heroin, or blowing lines of coke. Smoking some weed wont kill her or you. She won't go crazy and kill you in a 'withdrawal'. I have never had or heard of anyone having a marijuana related withdrawal.

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Personally cannabis is nothing to worry about. I occasional smoked with my lady, and nothing ever went wrong. You don't get much more than a buzz anyway.


It's not like shes shooting heroin, or blowing lines of coke. Smoking some weed wont kill her or you. She won't go crazy and kill you in a 'withdrawal'. I have never had or heard of anyone having a marijuana related withdrawal.




Drugs are drugs no matter how you look at it. I can see if she experimented with it and that was that. We all done knuckleheaded things sometime. But pushing close to 30 (she's 28) and smoking weed is not a good look no matter how you cut or slice it.

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Drugs are drugs no matter how you look at it. I can see if she experimented with it and that was that. We all done knuckleheaded things sometime. But pushing close to 30 (she's 28) and smoking weed is not a good look no matter how you cut or slice it.


That's how I look at it.

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Smoking weed.. i dont think is that bad... i grew up in oregon.. weed was and still is accepted more then ciggaretes...


50% of my friends growing up there parents smoked weed reguarly.. successfull contrubiting members of the community...


I have smoked pot and tried E in college.. i am not hooked on it


even today i know tons of successfull people, who after work will smoke a little weed after work to relax...

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Smoking weed.. i dont think is that bad... i grew up in oregon.. weed was and still is accepted more then ciggaretes...


50% of my friends growing up there parents smoked weed reguarly.. successfull contrubiting members of the community...


I have smoked pot and tried E in college.. i am not hooked on it


even today i know tons of successfull people, who after work will smoke a little weed after work to relax...


I'm sure this is true....but the fact is there are a vast amount of loser dopeheads that I've personally run accross. Their lives were centered around the drug.


(uh oh...I'm going to get flamed for being judgemental again)

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Personally, I find marijuana comparable to alcohol use, except the fact that it is ILLEGAL which is precisely the reason I have not or will not ever use it. I don't know much about E so I wouldn't consider dating someone who uses it. I also would not date someone who uses marijuana because it would put ME at risk if he had marijuana in his possession in my presense & got busted. I wouldn't let that relationship progress because I don't want drugs in my house & put me at risk for getting in trouble with the law.


Some people use the reasoning that because marijuana is natural, it is ok. Well, cyanide is natural & no one would put that in their body unless they had a death wish.


So basically yeah, I wouldn't date a drug user even if I thought those particular drugs weren't that bad, because there is no way you can have a future with that person without putting yourself at risk for getting drug charges or something.

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I'm sure this is true....but the fact is there are a vast amount of loser dopeheads that I've personally run accross. Their lives were centered around the drug.


(uh oh...I'm going to get flamed for being judgemental again)



I do see your point and its valid...


but most likely those people would be losers anyway, with or without the weed...


i am strictly talking about weed... coke, herion, etc yes then its a big problem... but weed gives you a buzz and then you sleep it off..


weed is pretty similar to drinking alcohol...

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I do see your point and its valid...


but most likely those people would be losers anyway, with or without the weed...


i am strictly talking about weed... coke, herion, etc yes then its a big problem... but weed gives you a buzz and then you sleep it off..


weed is pretty similar to drinking alcohol...


Yea, it's a controversial issue...that's for sure.

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I'm sure this is true....but the fact is there are a vast amount of loser dopeheads that I've personally run accross. Their lives were centered around the drug.


(uh oh...I'm going to get flamed for being judgemental again)


I agree 100%


I do not f*** with drugs, period. Alcohol is not illegal, but it can be used illegally. Weed is an ILLEGAL substance.

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I have no problem if the person I was dating smokes weed on occasion. If it's to the point where it's interfering with his daily life then that would be a problem. I know a lot of people who used to smoke daily in college, but they all grew out of it. I have zero tolerance for other drugs though.

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but if anything, I cannot talk to a woman who does drugs. Whether it's on "occasion" or "frequently" drugs are an automatic DQ.



You have really answered your own question here... You feel what you feel about it, and that is fine. On a personal note, I happen to agree with you.


Sometimes we meet interesting and neat people as individuals, and we are not judging them but it is just not a dating match...

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There are many things people draw a line at and this is yours. Don't be sorry for your convictions. With drug use comes drug dealers and all the other people that associate with them. You wouldn't want her to quite for you anyways, you would want her to quite because that is what she wanted to do not because you asked her to.




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Drugs are drugs no matter how you look at it. I can see if she experimented with it and that was that. We all done knuckleheaded things sometime. But pushing close to 30 (she's 28) and smoking weed is not a good look no matter how you cut or slice it.


Then you might as well not date someone who drinks alcohol. Alcohol deaths are quite high while cannabis deaths seem to be around 0.


Alcohol is also a powerful intoxicant and is known to make people aggressive, ect. Cannabis does not do this to people.


Or even.. date someone who is overweight, or smokes tobacco. It all is more hazardous to them than cannabis use. Don't get me wrong, I'm not pro-'drug', but cannabis is not a drug. It has been misclassified. To end a possible great relationship over something as minor as marijuana, you could be throwing away a great relationship.


Even the government admits that there are no deaths directly related to cannabis use.

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Tobacco 435,000

Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity 365,000

Alcohol 85,000

Microbial Agents 75,000

Toxic Agents 55,000

Motor Vehicle Crashes 26,347

Adverse Reactions to Prescription Drugs 32,000

Suicide 30,622

Incidents Involving Firearms 29,000

Homicide 20,308

Sexual Behaviors 20,000

All Illicit Drug Use, Direct and Indirect 17,000

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Such As Aspirin 7,600

Marijuana 0

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imissher - i get what you are saying - but i have had exes that have turned to marijuana use to 'self-medicate' instead of facing their problems head on. i think there's a difference between going to a party and smoking a joint vs. smoking pot right after work 5 days a week (and my ex was in his 30s). i think that's a sign something is wrong with that person.

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