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Would is be okay to tell him how i feel about us/me/him on paper for him to read?


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I was seeing a guy, and things were great. He felt we were getting to close to soon. He said he's scared 2 get close to anyone. Last relationship ended badly. I think there has been a LOT of mixed signals - i think he thought i wanted more or something. We are still in touch. We seemed to agree 2 be friends but he said for now/not ruling it out or something. He has said things just recently that tell me he still has interest, but has a lot going on (no job, no money etc).


He told me the other day he "just feels depressed" and "just need to get away from it all"


Ive been feeling depressed lately, and it its making me ill. (not eating, loosing a lot of weight)


I was going to speak to him about how i feel. As i said, mixed signals. We spoke about 2 weeks ago, but he caught me on the spot and i wasn't in the right mind frame to speak about it. Not everything was said, and cleared up. And he has said things since then that confuses the hell out of me.


I was thinking of writing it down. How he made me feel at the start, what i was looking for, what i thought, how i am now.


Is writing it down for him to read while im next to him ok? Or is it a bit lame? lol. I wonder if i try to say it, i will forget stuff or get too emotional. But if its best to say it, i will try.


it wouldn't be more than half a page.


any advice would be great.


if he doesn't feel the same any more, its ok, or just wants a friendship thats ok - but i need to know and none of this stuff that keeps me hanging on. To me it seems like he's keeping me on a string.


Something is bugging him i know it...It might also make him open up more.....I did say that he doesn't like telling people his problems and bottles things up. 2 Weeks ago, he did recently open up about a big problem and asked for a huge favour and he knows it was a big deal.



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i wouldn't do that. the thing is, this seems to be something he feels inside himself, that really doesn't have a lot to do with you. i know you can write out how you feel, pros to dating you, etc..... but i think that this issue is about him, and you can't write a letter that will make him change how he feels inside. see what i mean? it sounds to me like he already knows you are a cool, dependable girl.... so what would writing change?

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I agree with Annie. I don't think writing it down will change much, it might make you feel better getting it out there, but if he thinks you are getting too close too soon it wno't help in that department. not to mention i do not think that telling him you are depressed and not eating is a very good thing to lay on him considering you are not close g/f and b/f and in fact he is trying to move further away from that, not closer.

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Someone told me to write down how i feel and give it to him, but i wasn't sure if it was a good idea....


Yea the issues he has is with him. But he was happy, just as happy as i was, unless is a bloody good actor.


Im just a little tired of him like keeping me on a string. Does he, doesn't he. If he does, i know and i can move on.


i guess i'll talk to him. When we were hanging out, he defiantly seemed happier then. Heck i was too.


oh and im not going to tell him im feeling a little depressed. ...... it makes me wonder why he told me he was feeling that way tho...

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