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Ladies is a guy not being EXPRESSIVE in a email when first meeting you a big deal?


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I kind of want to know what happened with all the girls. You are a very prolific dater, CD. You have had a lot of dates this year from what I remember...what happened?



In 2008 I had 10 dates which was a high number because usually i only have 4-5.


out of the ones I was interested in which was 4


with 2 of the girls I stopped calling for a week and then found out when I called back they were dating someone else


one girl I went on a date with and then scheduled a 2nd date said she got back with ex boyfriend.


The med school girl hasn't calld back since paintball convo on 12/6/08.

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In 2008 I had 10 dates which was a high number because usually i only have 4-5.


out of the ones I was interested in which was 4


with 2 of the girls I stopped calling for a week and then found out when I called back they were dating someone else


one girl I went on a date with and then scheduled a 2nd date said she got back with ex boyfriend.


The med school girl hasn't calld back since paintball convo on 12/6/08.


She probably didnt call back b/c she felt you were uninterested in her. You need to make that up to her. Have you emailed her or anything?

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Have you at least emailed her? the 6th was 12 days ago! She's probably really thought you lost interest and moved on to another. Why have you waited so long to do any contact? I say don't even contact her again if you waited this long AND didn't show any interest in what she was talking about.

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Have you at least emailed her? the 6th was 12 days ago! She's probably really thought you lost interest and moved on to another. Why have you waited so long to do any contact? I say don't even contact her again if you waited this long AND didn't show any interest in what she was talking about.



emailed her on sunday and this morning

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And no response? Then don't call her tonight. Give up on this one. She's clearly not interested. After hearing that you pretty much put down her interests, that you haven't called her since then, and that she hasn't emailed you back from your email, then don't email or call her anymore b/c then you will look like a creepy stalker.

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And no response? Then don't call her tonight. Give up on this one. She's clearly not interested. After hearing that you pretty much put down her interests, that you haven't called her since then, and that she hasn't emailed you back from your email, then don't email or call her anymore b/c then you will look like a creepy stalker.



My final contact will be tonight. My feelins about her falling off the face of the earth will be on sunday if I don't talk to her tonight. You just don't stop talking to someone after 3 months.

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out of the ones I was interested in which was 4


with 2 of the girls I stopped calling for a week and then found out when I called back they were dating someone else


The med school girl hasn't called back since paintball convo on 12/6/08.


Why did you stop calling two of the girls you were interested in for a week?


Why didn't you call the med student again?

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Try less.


You try way too hard to play by "the rules", even though different women will have different rules.


This is your life, not a movie script. You have to be yourself.


And when I hear people complaining that being themselves did not work for them, it usually means they have a personality flaw or insecurities that need mending before they are truly ready to find a partner.


Practice being social in general (not just dating) and it will all become more natural as time goes by.

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They are screening questions, much like im sure you have in your job. As a careers advisor i imagine you ask your clients questions to narrow down a particular catagory of job.


if you answer these questions like "what do you do for a living?" and you reply with "ass model" or "shoe salesman" you're more likely to get an email back!

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No, I want to stop focusing on myself so much and learn more about the girl. I have to keep in mind that the email chemistry is just as important as the phone chemistry.


you need to be getting them from email to the phone and meeting in person quickely. stay away from phones and emails our species managed to reproduce just fine 100 years ago without all this stuff. lol

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Email is still communication. If you do not sound interesting in email, then they are going to definetly not think you are going to be worth seeing in person.


ConfusedDater- it seems your like a compulsive dater? But I think you are trying to hard. I think you are trying to go out on as many dates as possible, rather than focus on the quality of those dates. Quanity VS Quality? You need to focus on WHO you are dating, and not what you are doing wrong. Women can pick up insecurity right away, and its not the greatest turn on. If I were you I would take a break from dating in 2009. I think you are too bogged down with stressing about dating, that nothing natural is going to come of that.


And if your going to do internet dating, you've got to tackle down your email skills. Even though its not in person, it STILL is a first impression.

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