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Got accused of stealing


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Got accused of stealing at work today. The claim is that over a several month period I credited $380 in shopping cards to a random person. The paper trail points straight to me in a very good way, but I didn't do it. I'm a manager with alot of responsibilities and it would be very easy to steal if I were that sort of person. My password was used to log onto cash registers and it went from there. I spoke with the district manager as well as a company LP guy today and gave an 'at will' written statement as a condition of employment.


My question is this, even though I was told to keep this confidential and not to speak with anybody should I seek legal advice from a lawyer? $380 is not a felony but what kind of trouble could I get into if they pinned this on me? I have a spotless criminal record BTW.


I guess I'm just worried sick. It's one thing to lose a so-so job over another person's mistake but another to go to jail or something like that over something you have no control over.


Any advice?

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You certainly won't be going to jail for it, given it's $380, there's inconclusive proof (by definition, since you didn't actually do it), and you have no previous record. In fact, I'd be surprised if it even went to court.


That said, I agree with the others, talk to a lawyer. The request for confidentiality really means don't tell your colleagues about it or spread it around too much; it certainly doesn't preclude you from seeking legal advice. The only thing I would add, though, is to avoid your lawyer contacting your company until you know which way this is going to drop. There's nothing more provocative for a company wondering whether or not you did it, and whether or not to pursue you for it, than to get an official letter from your lawyer.


Meanwhile, you might start to think about alibis (where were you when your password was being used at these cash registers), and who might have obtained your password, and how.

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I would definetly follow-up with a professional counsellor or lawyer. Especially if you do want to get a professional government job later on. They will always do security / background checks etc...

Although 300$ is minimal, it could come up later?

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Report it as a crime. Someone stole your password (identity theft) and was transferring money. The 'random person' probably has a relationship with someone else you work with who managed to get your password.


They need to investigate to determine who might have stolen your password.


I agree but since they asked him to not talk about it, won't this be difficult? I wonder if the people that asked him to not talk have anything to do with it now...

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