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Tomorrow: D-Day - Do or Die


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As you could probably guess, tomorrow (maybe Wednesday if she really can't be found tomorrow) has to be the day I ask out the girl I like (it's easiest for our school schedules). I can't do it Thurday because I will have a 2% chance of really seeing her and I don't want to ask her out Friday even though it's not the worst idea in the world (if other guys like her, they would probably ask her out then I'm guessing). After Friday, asking her out I feel would be a lost cause.


That was the intro. Now on what to do...


The girl has given me a mix of pros and cons (mixed signals), although some of the pros have been really weird and interesting (too long to write).


Here's my idea that may work: My good friend is going out with her sister, so I think a double-date isn't a bad idea. It would ease the tension and make her feel more comfortable.

In case I don't do that, I was thinking of using Don Diebel's line (in one of the articles on this site), except that I need a yes/no answer and that one doesn't give a yes/no answer. I want to make it clear that we would be going out as more than just friends, since I don't say "WIll you go out with me?"-it's corny and it doesn't show much effort.


Are there any last bits of advice you can give me on this situation, like about the double-date idea or on where to go for a first date? Thanks


P.S. For Valentine's Day (either on the day or the day before at school), I was thinking of giving her one rose, but my friend (a girl) said giving her half a bouquet (A lot) is better. What do you guys think about this too?

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im kind of in a similar situation, i like a girl and she shows signs of liking me too. you knever can tell with girl though. but for valentines day im giving her one pink rose. just in case she doesnt like you a lot then i tink 6 roses would be a little much. i just ease into the relationship. show affection, but not too much. and double dates are great. they do ease some tension and people relax and have more fun. good luck

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I think that the idea of double-dating is a great way to ease alot of the tension that accompanies a first date. I'm new to this site, so I don't know what Dan Diebel's line is, but I think it's generally best to be straight forward, you're right that you want to be clear about it and not say "Will you go out with me?" If you still need ideas for what to do, you could ask your friend who's dating her sister for ideas or, if nothing else you could do dinner and a movie, it doesn't give you as much time to talk and get to know each oher, but it's a pretty relaxed setting, and that might help with the nervousness as well. As for the roses, I think that you're right, for a first date just one rose is better, but you might want to find a color other than red, just to be original.

Good luck!

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I need ages to help me out here. One rose is always best, its the truest.


Be confident not arrogant but confident, girls and women find that sexy.


dont talk too much unless thats one of the things she likes.


Be attentive but not overly


the best lines are the ones that come from the heart, if one that you read feels right then thats from the heart. pick your moment and do not hesitate.


The point is just say it. if i knew more i could suggest more to you.



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Here's my idea that may work: My good friend is going out with her sister, so I think a double-date isn't a bad idea. It would ease the tension and make her feel more comfortable.


You should try that, but you should also have other dates where it is just you and her. Don't date with friends around all the time.


I want to make it clear that we would be going out as more than just friends, since I don't say "WIll you go out with me?"-it's corny and it doesn't show much effort.


Just say you are going somewhere and then ask her if she wants to come along. Don't be so worried what about what you say it's not as complex as you think....


By the way, it is your mannerism and your body language that will tell her whether you want to be more than friends or not while out on a date.

Use lots of cocky/funny on her and give her a nice soft kiss on the hand or on the cheek after you drop her off afterwards; if she found you interesting she will be more open to your advances the next date around.





Are there any last bits of advice you can give me on this situation, like about the double-date idea or on where to go for a first date? Thanks


Try to find opportune moments where you can be alone with her without appearing rude to the other couple if you double date.


Also, don't do just the traditional pizza place routein that's boring; do something fun that can allow you to express yourself in the process like going to a miniature golf course or something.



P.S. For Valentine's Day (either on the day or the day before at school), I was thinking of giving her one rose, but my friend (a girl) said giving her half a bouquet (A lot) is better. What do you guys think about this too?


If you give her a bouquet do it european style and give her 13 roses instead of the traditional dozen; it appears more charming....

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