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Am I overqualified for the job?

Double J

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Hey everyone,


I was laid off a little over a month ago. I recently applied for a marketing position at a bank. At least in my area, banks are known for being somewhat lax when it comes to education.


The interview took place 3 days ago. I have a bachelor's degree (graduated a year ago) and almost three years of experience. The job requires that candidates have taken a few courses in marketing/communications, but no degree is required. In addition, you need not have more than a year of experience.


Upon seeing the ad, I felt I had this job in the bag. What didn't cross my mind, however, was that maybe I was a bit overqualified. I've heard that companies don't like hiring those who are overqualified because they fear the person will eventually grow bored and look for a more challenging position.


Maybe it's no surprise they want someone who doesn't yet have a degree. Perhaps they want to pay a conservative salary to start off and have the person grow within the organization. Part of the reason I applied was because I, too, want to work for a company that promotes from within. The paperwork required that I write down my desired salary. I put "negotiable" and a broad range that would prevent me from going too high or too low.


The interview went well, and the lady said I should hear from her next week. If they already deem me overqualified, I hope they tell me next week and avoid having me go in for a second interview.


What do you guys think? Has anyone been in a similar situation? Is there hope?

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Being over-qualified sucks when all you want to do is work. But the reality is, they want someone that will stick with the job and over-qualified individuals will quickly move on. Unless they decide to groom you.


Did you follow the interview with a thank you letter or an email? It doesn't hurt, if you haven't heard form them in a week, to contact them directly.


Regardless, you should always keep looking until you get an offer.

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Most places won't waste time on a second interview unless they are seriously interested and down to making a choice between a couple or three people.


So i doubt they'll bring you back unless they are seriously considering you, and if you get a second interview it is a good sign that at least they take you seriously as a candidate.

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