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I need some ideas.


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I need ideas of some social activities that I can do with my friends. I know it sounds silly but I have a huge head cramp when thinking about what kind of activities we can do. I am new to this socializing stuff, and don’t have much past experience to rely on.


The reason I ask is there are three of us that never have had girlfriends before and we don’t get out as much as we should. On most nights us three usually get left behind because all our other friends are doing other activities with their SO’s. If we can’t manage to figure out something to do between the three of us we usually spend our Friday night sitting in a basement drinking, watching TV or a movie. This doesn’t really help our situation, if you know what I mean. Don’t get me wrong I love going out, even if it is just to someone’s basement. It is still a million times better than spending the night alone. I just want something that I can suggest, and I can’t think of anything new and different.


Some of the things we have done in the past:

-Attend a hockey game


-Go to a movie

-Go to a lounge/bar/ multiple bars

-Go to a house party (almost always people we know, never with strangers)

-Go to the Race Track (closed for until May)


I can’t really think of anything else that we do. We need help, lol.


Edit: I just got a phone call, and a bunch of us are going to a comedy club tonight. That is a new one. I have never been to a comedy club before. It should be fun.

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hahaha good luck! I don't have friends, so I don't know what you people usually do. LOL So maybe bowling? Find something you all like to do and do that?


I think its easier for girls:


Ice/roller skating

Horse back riding


Oh how about some weird camping fishing thing?

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LOL, this thread died before it got off the ground.


Thanks redhearts for the ideas, and the 30 or so people who read the thread. I guess people around here don’t do much, or it was a really silly question. I’ll keep trying to figure out some ideas. Oh well.

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